Another episode to go!!
Spoiler ahead!!! This is for the week after next week~
Gotta run now. Will see you all later!
Updated: Wednesday June 6, 2007 7:00pm
The captures for this episode should be available at
Random Curiosity あらすじ
The Montague sudden attack plan ended in the failure which Juliet barely escapes without the help of Tybalt.
Wandering and despair, Juliet is sheltered by Portia's monastery.
After she learns Portia's gentleness, it is when those which have been stuffed in Juliet's heart are melted cries.
As Romeo is called, the safe form of Juliet and the incident of 14 years ago are revealed by Portia. Next morning at the balcony, Juliet mutters, "Romeo... as for you why being Romeo?". Romeo holds her hand firmly after hearing the question and expresses, For you I will throw away my name.......
List of ロミオ×ジュリエット episode
恥じらい~雨に打たれて~第05話 旋風〜燃ゆる覚悟〜
第06話 希望〜託された明日〜
第07話 ぬくもり〜今だけは〜
甘え〜正義とは〜 第09話
決起〜断ち切る迷い〜 第10話
泪〜貴方と逢えて〜 第11話 Coming soon XD
ロミオ×ジュリエット 第10話[2]
goo. ANIME