Mar 22, 2014 20:24
Friends, I recently posted a plea for help, something I never thought I would have to do. I have gotten some help, more than I thought I would get, but unfortunately there are still problems.
I don’t know what deity I upset, but even in the middle of this, both Dad and I did not receive our mid-month paychecks. Mine was due to not being processed in time. Dad’s is a whole other cluster- Anyway, help is greatly needed if you can spare just a couple bucks each. I have started moving forward on some of the car repairs, but the computer dies quicker each day it gets warmer, and now we have a mortgage payment we have to scrounge for with missing money. As bad as things have been in the past, we always found a way to survive. I’m afraid we have run out of options this time.
This is not an easy thing to ask. I don’t want to ask again, but I don’t know what else to do. I’m at wits end and starting to feel so lost and so scared. If you can help me in any small way, I’ve set up a paypal to fix my car and computer. The paypal address is Or, if you have a spare computer around, that would be appreciated as well until I can figure out what can be done. Times are hard for everyone so I do not expect anything, but if you can help me out in any small way, it would be appreciated more than you could know. Thank you everyone.