Please help.

Mar 12, 2014 20:09

Friends, please bear with me, as this is a post I never thought I would need (or wanted) to make. But times have gotten rough and I need help. Several costs have cropped up suddenly, and we were barely scraping by as it is. My car needs at least a couple hundred dollars in repairs to keep it going, and the computer is giving up the ghost.

When I had regular work (before I was hospitalized a couple of years ago), I did what were taught - I put money in a savings account, despite living paycheck to paycheck. But with not having regular work until recently, and even that is kind of seasonal, between bills, medical bills, prescriptions, gas, cars, condo assessments, student loans, and the like I am out of options. I need to make this van last, and with the paid jobs I have now, I need transportation. Not to mention job hunting without a computer is nearly impossible.

I don’t want to ask, but I don’t know what else to do. If you can help me in any small way, I’ve set up a paypal to fix my car and computer. The paypal address is Times are hard for everyone so I do not expect anything, but if you can help me out in any small way, it would be appreciated more than you could know. Thank you everyone. This wasn't an easy post to make.

help, life

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