Jan 19, 2015 22:01
I figured I'm overdue for a happy-related entry.
Since the New Year, I've been participating in a running streak. My older sister signed up for this running streak for a Boston-affiliated running shoe store and told me about it. There are different levels of the streak that are based on the number of miles you run a day, but you have to at least run 1 mile a day. I've been going at least 3 miles a day (mostly running, but some days walking) since the 1st, so this is the longest "active" streak I've been on for awhile. I've done over 82 miles so far :-) I have felt some soreness in the calves and tired thighs (as I've continued my weight lifting, but on the days where I usually lift, I walk instead of run), but I feel that my endurance has improved overall, my calves are more toned and a little bigger (by how tight my pants feel around my calves now), and weight has been better maintained over the holidays. In fact, P and I returned to Weight Watchers before the Christmas holiday. When I weighed in last week, I had only gained 0.8 pounds since that pre-holiday weigh-in. Now considering how much I ate over the holidays and the amount of running I've been doing, I was happy with the result of the weigh-in. But this running streak has had some other unexpected benefits (a bit more regular in one department, a re-occurrence of something else I haven't had in 3 months), so yay. Due to this weather, it has sometimes been a little hard to get motivated to go run (due to cold, rain, or ice), but I've managed. Only another 12 days to go.
In other somewhat health-related news, P and I went to see a fertility specialist a little over a week ago. Bad news is that due to the degree in my PCOS condition, in vitro is the next step in the fertility option. But the good news is, given my age and fitness, the success rate would be over 80% for a successful birth. Also, when the doctor did an ultrasound, he saw that I easily have over 100 eggs that are essentially "ready to go" but just never released, so the collection of the eggs for the in vitro procedure would be effective. Now, it's just trying to figure out when we would want to start this whole thing...
Also, this upcoming Thursday, I'm going to officially/legally be an aunt for two more kids. My brother-in-law and his family have been foster families for the last 4 years or so, and for the last 2.5 years, they have been the foster family for a brother/sister combo. The sister is now 14, the brother now 11. And about a year ago, the brother-in-law and family decided to adopt these kids. And on Thursday, the adoption will be finalized and they will legally be a part of the family. We have been asked to be there for the final court appearance and for the celebration party afterwards. Mother- and father-in-law are coming down from Massachusetts while the sister-in-law will be driving up from Virginia (all three are crashing with us for this event), so it will be a big party.
And lastly, going to another Linkin Park concert a week from tomorrow. A Christmas present from the mother-in-law. :-)
Some good things to look forward to.