Well, yay for the happy-happiness the Naruto world gets to enjoy for a few seconds before we get back into teh dramas!!!!
Let's take a look at this chronologically. Because a lot is going on in this chapter....
First, YAY for Naruto getting a part of his dream realized and eveyone getting to be happy (even if,suspiciously, most Konoha citizens look alike...). I mean, it was a little hokey, and the town is literally rubble, but still... people came back from the dead because Naruto has speech skillz to rival Obama's, so we understand the celebration. I was a little "squee!" for the Sakura/Naruto interaction. Even though I don't talk about it much, I am a narusaku shipper (Though, oddly, she is one female I can read shipped with lots of people. I've recently learned to love kakusaku thanks to good fanfic authors. Only, in canon, I kinda think Naruto will get Sakura. But that is a line of thought for another post).
I was likewise touched to see Hinata all happy at that interaction but.... Does anyone else think that Kisimoto might not ever show Naruto and Hinata talking about her confession. Or talk about Naruto's reaction to it? Other things have been going on, and are going on, but all the same. I have this really bad feeling that it will just sit there as an untouched loose end and HOW WIERD WILL IT BE THAT HINATA WILL BE FINE WITH THAT? eh, not that I particularly like Naruto/Hina but still... even if Hinata just feels saying it was enough, we need to see her thinking that then! Just don't leave it there. Finish it somehow.
There were several frames of artwork that were made of love too. I especially liked the team ten frame, and team gai's was nice too.
Switching gears a little, the cloud ninjas are awesome. They are funny, and ridiculous and have great banter. I want more Cloud Ninjas! Plus, did anyone else think it was nice that there are TWO females and ONE male ninja. A nice change.
Aktasuki on the other hand... I am afraid I do not understand this group very well at all. For some bizarre reason, I thought Pain was the leader and this is so not true...? Are the Aktasuki people who all have different agendas who are just trying to use one another. And even if they are, surly they would not say that to one another's faces. What is their supposed reason for being?
Oh! Oh! Tsunade!!!!! Oh! Oh! How worrisome! I think some people will be upset that she didn't get a cool fight like Hokages 3 & 4 did, but that is because SHE IS NOT DEAD YET! Srsly! My prediction is that she will pull through the coma and make a bid to reclaim her Hokage-ship from Danzou (*shivers*). But I thought it was touching that, from what little we could see, she gave up much of her chakra/energy to save the people, even to the point where she has aged, or no longer seems to be in a "regenerated state" anyway. It made me made that people were saying it was partially her fault that all these things like Atkasuki attacked was HER fault. Wot? HOW IS THAT?
But the person I offically want more of, more than any other, was.... SHIKAKU! He is MADE of awesome. Something just sort of clicked in this chapter where... he rocks. His scars are cool and he's very perceptive and smart, and he, more than anyone outside of the Konoha 11, (Well, and Tsunade and the frogs) seems to sense the potential for change in Naruto and Naruto's peers. Not just that Naruto could be/is a powerful ninja but that he will be the one to effect some pretty rockin' change.The thing is... I really kinda want to know why/how Shikaku is on the council. His reaction to the ending was also rocking!
Talk about a cliff hanger! I think I'm gonna like this arc more, because there is political backstabbing and a tyranical, power-hungry regime just came to power. (Let's hope Danzou gets his ass kicked before they can get his face up on the mountain.)