Got these from my pretty - yet odd, and prone to scaring the heck outta me - new pal
1) How'd you meet Pumbaa?
Now there's a funny story. Kinda. Sorta. Maybe. I'd just left the colony, put my past behind me, when I ran into the Strange But Wise Omniscient Monkey (ya know, Rafiki?) and he told me what I was lookin' for was hakuna matata. And to find it, I'd hafta look "beyonnnnnnd what I seeee." So there I was out in th' grasslands, lookin' beyond what I saw, when all of a sudden I get the feelin' something's followin' me. And it was this big, scary, creepy HUGE thing, an' I started running .... turns out it was just Pumbaa. Th' big lug saw me out walkin' all by myself and didn't think I shoulda been alone. Aw. An' since he was alone, and had that GREAT secret weapon of his - which apparently ain't so secret no more - we decided to form an acquaintanceship.
... Course, after all we went through lookin' beyond what we saw, it was kinda hard NOT to become Bestest Best Friends. So there ya go. Pumbaa!
2) What's your favorite food?
BUGS!!!! The little cream-filled kind. Oooh. You know. They're blue, with eight legs, and they're squishy. .... AW MAN! Now I want some! .... Scuse me. *scampers off, and returns about five minutes later with bark flakes stuck in his fur and an armload of blue beetles - and a full mouth* Mmmrh. Frrh wmm gh. *swallows* OKAY! Next question!
3) What kind of flower do you like best?
Oh geez. *thinks* I dunno. I like red ones. *shrugs* But not the kind that make you itchy.
4) If you could have any one thing in the world, what would it be?
Any one thing, huh? Hmmm!! *thinks* How about ... one'a those little machines I keep seeing stuff for on TV, for kids. The ones that make bugs. MAN. I want a bug-maker. That'd be so cool. You wouldn't even have to pull up a log. Just turn the machine on, and BAM! Bugs!
5) What's your favorite place to be?
Wherever my friends are. Yeah, yeah, I know, I need fillings just thinkin' about it, too. But it's the truth. Friends -are- hakuna matata. Without 'em ... even paradise is a bummer.
If you're interested in more of the Timon/Pumbaa backstory, definately check out The Lion King 1&1/2 ... not only does it have a lot of background, but it is HEEEELARIOUS. And it's what I've based a giant chunk of my Timon on. ... And please ... let's not have the heart to tell him that those Creepy Crawlers toys only make gummi worms and bugs. He's so happy just thinking about them. *giggle*
Interview Instructions - In case you've never ever ever heard of one of these (in which case you're living on that desert island from a few questions back):
1. Leave a comment asking for questions.
2. Timon will respond and give you five.
3. You answer them in your journal and link back to him here at
Simple, no?