Title: Our Little Princess [Chapter 10]
Pairing: Hints of JaeHo and YooSu.
catachresticalRating: PG13 for language.
Genre: Drama, Humor, Semi-AU, Fluff.
Summary: What happens when the boys get attached to things they aren't supposed to?
TVXQ and stranger-kids. This chapter has ... MORE TICKY BOXES. Okay, for real now. This chapter has ChangMin coming up with an additional plan and a lot, lot of online conversations. Concrits appreciated :)
→ previous:
#1 |
#2 |
#3 |
#4 |
#5 |
#6 |
#7 |
#8 |
#9 →
#10: "As we are three days into our Mission: I Don't Know Why I'm Doing This To Myself, I would like to update you on my progress." crossposted in
hug______ and
jaeho_detox; apologies for repeats.