Feb 12, 2009 22:01
Feeling slightly less panicked so edited post to be a bit more public friendly since posting link to it on site.
My tablet PC is broke. Now it is not like, completely broken to the point of uselessness. But if I use it anymore I risk breaking it further. The swerve base is cracked and the thing can't really turn around or even close now. Messing with it risks it damaging the now exposed wire.
It pretty much is going to need that part replaced so I figured chance of anyone around here being able to do something is slim. We still tried calling around, so far Best Buy and Circuit City are out of question, Brother-in-law recommended a place on campus at UofO so sent a email seeing if they even know anything about tablet PCs before bringing it in. Meantime Orion and I figured getting a hold of Gateway themselves would be best (company that made my tablet) Turns out they don't handle these anymore and they sold that service to MPC and was told that we are to contact them now for this kind of thing. Went to them, they are in the process of going bankrupt (liquidation). Tried calling them anyway, only got message machine. Sent a customer email but at this point my hopes are pretty low. Even if someone around here is good with tablets, it may be impossible for them to get the part we need.
As I mentioned in my original post on this on my forums, my reasons are not getting a wacom are 1. My actual computer is dieing and it's hard to do anything on it beyong simple tasks. I was actually hoping to do donations and commision work this summer to buy a new one since I am hoping to start digital arts program this year. 2. I do most of my comic work outside of the house, around campus and whatnot. I need the tablet in order to get my comic done on time especially at work. I would not be opposed to owning both if I had the money, I just don't.
Currently going to try a few places, wait for responses, ect. But after that I don't know. I technically have the money to get a used tablet, but I have expenses to pay around here and with financial aid cuts and and school being more expensive coming year I can't really just throw it around. I do not know if my fans will be willing to donate enough to help me buy another tablet (is how I bought last one). Since EE is at big risk they might. I may then try to get a better laptop than what I have now and make it my main computer all together (if need be I can just plan to do all my digital arts program stuff at school in labs, assuming I even get into the damn thing).
I dunno. I feel so cut off now. I NEED to work on my comic. I was just getting better at tablet inking too.
And to think I was only like a month off from the guest comic celebration -_-.
Orion's pretty confident we'll be able to find the part somewhere, we shall see.
If fans feel like donating it will all become helpful one way or other. I just can't promise extra pages currently. Honestly the comic was being so time consuming 3xweek was becoming increasingly difficult I don't think I can keep the extra page donation incentive going anyway.
(..yes my tablet is named Mokona. I name everything).