Children are OPTIONAL

Feb 10, 2009 14:16

Man, I haven't used this thing for actual posting in YEARS. I use it to read and comment occasionally on other people's journals and for some silly manga stuff but otherwise nada. I've mostly been posting thoughts and occurrences of my life to my comic forums or DeviantArt journals. But I have found myself off and on lately wanting to just I dunno, vent on random things but don't want to like clutter my comic stuff with it. So I think I'm going to get back into using this as just a place to vent thoughts and views and whatever. I have no idea who even has me on their watch list now. If you don't like reading much then might as well remove me now.

Just had a conversation with a friend that brought up something that really annoys me. The idea of someone not wanting kids being somehow IMPOSSIBLE.

As a disclaimer, MV was totally kidding with me and agrees with me and she is not whom I am angry at, just the people who are serious about it.

We were discussing names and I mentioned in passing, "it's a good thing I won't have kids because I'd stick a really awful nerdy name on them like Watanuki"

Mvmarcz says:
never say never cause then the gods'll get ya pregnant just to spite you
NJ at "work" says: they won't MV
NJ at "work" says:
the gods aren't out to get us.

I'm sure no matter what this is something I will get for the rest of my life. The usual "Oh now, never say never." or "You'll change your mind" or "I used to think that way too but then such and such was born and I completely changed" ect. ect.

1. Sometimes you can say never. Doesn't mean it's necessarily true, or that some unforeseen circumstance won't cause it to happen otherwise. But I have the right to believe it. Most people when asked would say "I'll never commit murder." You wanna go questioning that? I'll never take speed. I'm pretty confident in that. Someone could kidnap me and force the substance into my body, or an example my sister gave, I could get raped and forced to give birth under some extreme circumstance. It could happen yes. But that is out of my power and personal decisions that is different.

2. People change their minds. Yes. On certain things people change what they think or want to do. But guess what, some people don't. Some things people never change their minds on. I've wanted to be a comic artist since I was 8. I am now a comic artist, I have over 4,000 fans who can back me up in this. I didn't change my mind. I have also never taken speed nor committed murder. Sometimes you just know yourself. When I was like 6 if I was asked I would have said, yes I am going to get married and have kids of my own. Because we are all brainwashed that way as little girls. But come late grade school I realized I had a choice and that, no I don't think I want that. I don't even know if I wanna get married. And I've felt the same ever since. I am allowed this. Just as much as those who want kids are allowed to want them. I don't tell people who are planning to have a baby that "they'll change they're minds." I'm like, ok, go for it. Life is short do what you want. I am not some "zomg we are too overpopulated anyone who gives birth is destroying us all" nut. I don't want kids, simple as that. I am not thinking I am helping the world or anything I am just living the life I want.

3. Some magical experience with a child will be what changes my mind. No. Not really. Now, I do think that if I had to give birth it probably would effect me somehow, but that is a circumstance I am avoiding and I don't believe it would necessarily convince me to keep the child or anything. But I hear so often "I didn't want kids until my niece/nephew was born" or something. I remember when my nephew was born, I remember seeing him learn to walk and all that stuff. He's in grade school now, crazy how fast they grow. I hear he beats up other kids, lovely. My mother has worked with young kids all my life. I have been with her at her work many times, gotten to know a couple of the kids had to play with one a couple times, her name was Ivy. And you know what? No magical female gene inside me went off and made me want kids. I just don't want kids.

There is always the chance I will wanna change my mind. I understand that. I can also snap and bring a gun to school tomorrow. Who knows? Just because YOU want kids or YOU changed your mind, don't assume I am the same even if the thought does make you feel better about your choices or whatever. Leave me out of it. Have kids, enjoy them. I'll just enjoy my life in a different way.

Phew. Got that out of me. Now I have something to link everyone who says "never say never" or "you'll change your mind." in the future.

Next time I post will probably be about how much I hate Abstract Art XD.

For any fans who read this and are curious on where EE characters stand, some of them wants kids yes. Some of them don't. I am not going to push one idea l onto all of them. Bob would like kids someday, so would Sal or Karl. Saya not really planning on it. Just a few examples there.

not, comeback, children, single, never say never, wanting

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