Some EE for now

Feb 14, 2009 15:22

Bean and Kez have offered their assistance in colouring whilst I am handicapped. So EE will be updating once a week on Mondays.

So far repairing tablet does not look like it'll be the best path. Seems like it is possible, but not within a reasonable price range. We got recommended by someone with experience in them in a local repair place that tablet pcs are generally extremely hard to repair and end up costing too much to bother (he hates them personally). Turns out my brand especially is difficult to work with : P. We're going to get a few more opinions before calling it completely hopeless.

I need a tablet one way or other to work on EE with schoolife, but I am also considering getting one of the Genius MousePens off Amazon. They seem to work nearly as well as any Wacom and can be purchased for only like $50. Seems to get good reviews. Might be handy to teach me to use a wacom and to use when I am home for colouring and shorten the amount I use my next tablet some to make it last longer. Though really the reason it broke is completely my fault I was being a idiot with it and would be more careful with next one.

I have gotten a couple donations, if I end up pushing them more and setting a goal I may be able to get more. It'll probably cost me around $700 again it looks like to get one. I'd probably end up taking on a bunch of commission afterwards to pay myself back on some of it, and to try to get a new regular computer maybe later this year/next year. We'll see, we'll see.

Now to have a heart shaped pizza and see Coraline, go go Valentine's Day.

tablets genius wacom pc colouring

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