The office has mostly been painted, and fitted with book-cases, and I've started work on getting antenna wiring into it. It's a small space, so photographs can't really show much.
The fireplace in the living room has now gone. Once upon a time it was a live fireplace with a chimney and all, but a previous owner turned the bungalow into a two-floor dwelling, and decided not to keep the chimney. They installed a fake electric fire instead. We started demolishing the fireplace on Easter Monday.
Here are some progress photos.
There's work to be done on the roof. Scaffolding arrived last Friday. The scaffolders returned on Saturday morning to finish the job, slightly to our surprise, as we didn't realised they hadn't finished it on Friday. We're planning to take advantage of its presence, and paint the outside of the house (where appropriate). I also plan to make use of it to put up a radio antenna or two.
Meanwhile, the general run of things, Radio, Morse, gardening, shopping, and so on carries on...