Home Improvement...

Apr 13, 2019 23:47

Wednesday and Thursday were days for not going out and about (much). We both got some work done around the house and garden, though. I did get out to the radio club on Wednesday evening, and caught the Morse practice broadcast on Thursday morning. My Morse isn't exactly improving, but at least it isn't getting noticeably worse.

My task for the week has been to re-decorate the other half of the office. That involved pulling out some old shelves, and that meant I discovered the crumbly plaster on one side of them. The crumbling plaster has now been removed, and we're figuring out the best way to put things straight.
Yesterday we were over in Bristol, and spent a while walking through Ikea. At some point we'll put an order together and have it delivered.

I got started on painting the office this afternoon, and only realised when I took a break having completed a wall and a half that I'd used the wrong can of paint. Today's walls are at present a slightly different shade of blue than the others. That'll be rectified when I apply the next coat. Hopefully.

This afternoon we went over to Stroud (via the local tip to get rid of some of the fall-out from recent house and garden work) for this month's PokémonGo Community Day, and spent a chilly three hours encountering all types of players...

housework, morse, repair, radio

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