Snail's Pace...

May 21, 2017 23:04

On Friday morning a friend came and took my mother shopping while I go on with the workshop work. Around lunch-time they returned, and we had lunch. Then my mother tried to do some gardening, but discovered she needed assistance with some of it, so I got rather less done in the workshop than I'd hoped.

On Saturday we headed for Woodbridge to have lunch with some old friends. It was a long day, but the traffic flowed freely all the way there and back, and we paced it rather better than Thursday's expedition, so I even had a little energy to do some more in the workshop when we got home.

I've spent today mostly between the workshop and the radio, with a few brief garden diversions. A friend dropped round at about noon and ended up staying for lunch. Workshop work continues in between times. It has turned out, in the way of these things, to be much more complicated than originally expected. So far, for this fitting alone, I have rough-cut 24 partial joints in 12 pieces of timber. I have about ten more partial joints to rough cut, and then the whole lot will need fine cutting and fitting. There will probably also be sixteen routed edges to cut, and four panels to fit.

Somehow, I have managed to keep both Duolingo and Ingress streaks alive this week, though at times only just.

housework, duolingo, repair, traffic, radio

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