Two up, two down... Ugh.

Apr 25, 2016 14:06

Saturday had its good and bad bits. One of the IARE candidates didn't turn up. The other two got through the paper to their satisfaction. With luck we'll know the results in a month or so. The drive to the shack wasn't too bad. The drive back had its moments, and I was so late for lunch that my mother had given up waiting.

On Saturday afternoon we went out to my cousin's for tea. My aunt and uncle were there, too. We had a good tea, and came home not much before sunset.

On Sunday we went to the shops after the morning radio club Net. Shortly after noon friends arrived, and we had roast chicken for lunch. It was a good afternoon of catching up.

This morning my mother announced she wasn't feeling 100%. She booked an appointment, and I took her to the doctor. He gave her an extensive prescription, which took a bit of extracting from the pharmacy. She took a first dose just before we headed home, and was feeling quite ill before we'd gone five miles. We got home for a rather late lunch (which she mostly didn't eat). We were supposed to be going out to tea, but I cancelled that.

Edit (after supper): Mother's feeling well enough to watch TV, which is an improvement. I'm still expecting to have to go back to the doctor tomorrow, though.

Edit (for dog!): Somewhere along the way the dog almost got forgotten. The vet phoned to say they thought he needed another couple of days of in-patient treatment. Maybe we'll pick him up on Wednesday...

dogs, family, radio

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