Apr 15, 2016 19:04
I spent a little while Wednesday morning getting things like gas for cooking and fuel for mowing. Then friends came round for morning coffee, and we spent some time in conversation in the garden. A bit later, I went back to the shops to deal with another list of requirements. Just before sunset I went out again to hack an Ingress portal and keep my current streak alive...
Thursday was a much quieter day. We went for a bit of a walk around the garden to see what had been done and what needed doing. My only outing was to the nearest Ingress portal. I even ended up going to bed early, as a power cut put out the non-essential lights...
This morning I went out fairly early to do the day's shopping. Then at around noon we went out to meet up for lunch with old friends. We'd just ordered lunch when we got a phone call which required I go back home briefly. I managed to get back for my lunch before everyone else had finished theirs, too. We got home to find Bertie the bouncing labrador hopping on one back leg. Another friend dropped round as we were trying to determine what his problem was. We found he'd torn a claw somewhat, so we took him to the evening vet's clinic. As he was getting out of the car he managed to complete the tearing, leaving a claw on the ground and quite a few spots of blood around the place. He's ended up spending the night at the vet's. We'll collect him tomorrow, by which time he'll have been dosed with antibiotics and had the wound cleaned and closed.
While the radio is useable, it's not had much use, though I have added Botswana to my list of countries worked...