Back On Track?

Apr 05, 2016 19:19

Most of the tasks on my list are more-or-less done. Not, perhaps, quite enough garden tidying and so on, but at least more than nothing. So, mostly on schedule.

On Sunday I went out with a friend to old mutual friends for an excellent lunch, and didn't get home 'til nearly 7pm. It was a good day out away from things.

On Monday I took the car to the garage for its MOT, and did a bit of tidying up around the house. When the car was ready I was given a lift back to the garage to pick it up. Then I delivered a bunch of radio club stuff, and headed to a garden centre to do some shopping. In the evening there was a radio club AGM to attend.

Today I've applied myself to getting the remaining outstanding tasks done. I even spent a bit of time in the garden, and helped a friend with a DIY task.

The weather has been fine most of the time. I have not spent enough time outdoors, though. Of course, the one time it did decide to rain a bit was while I was doing some pruning in the garden...

car, garden, radio

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