Title: Missing You
Fandom: Mortal Instruments
Challenge: For
fandomwords100 Winter/Holiday challenge. Prompt 14:
Blue Xmas LightsPairing Category: Slash romance (pairings Magnus/Alec and partially requited Jace/Alec)
Rating: PG for this part but may get higher as I continue.
Warnings: Cross Gen, UST, AU and Angst
Summary/Other Info: Alec Shows up on Magnus' doorstep. This is drabble 14 (this is a double drabble) of a 31 drabble series called The Christmas Wedding The first can be found
HERE Also, this is my very first time writing this fandom and I've only read the first couple books so please...be gentle.
Missing You by HPFangirl71
Alec hesitated as he knocked upon the brightly colored door. He paced nervously as he waited. Jace didn’t know he was here, maybe because Alec wasn’t certain why he’d come here.
He was about to leave when the door opened. Magnus stepped out, his bright eyes narrowed slit-like.
“What brings you here, Alec?” He questioned curiously.
Alec took a deep breath before speaking.
“Magnus, I missed you.” Alec replied truthfully.
Without a word, Magnus motioned to him and Alec stepped inside. Blue Christmas lights adorned the room, shining upon them and Alec thought to himself that Magnus never looked sexier.
“Where’s the boyfriend?” Magnus asked, turning to face him, the blue lights glowing upon his dark hair like a halo.
“Jace isn’t my boyfriend.” Alec insisted.
It was the truth, a lot had happened between him and Jace but none of it out in the open. Alec cared for Jace but knew it’d be a tremendous undertaking to make Jace admit to their encounters. Maybe that’s what had kept him cautious last night.
“I missed you, Magnus.”
“I heard you the first time, what would you wish me to say?” Magnus replied.
“Maybe, that you missed me too.” Alec stuttered.