Fandom: Mortal Instruments Drabble 13 of the Christmas Wedding Series

Dec 15, 2012 16:18

Title: Confused Feelings
Fandom: Mortal Instruments
Challenge: For fandomwords100 Winter/Holiday challenge. Prompt 13: Hot Cocoa
Pairing Category: Slash romance (pairings Magnus/Alec and partially requited Jace/Alec)
Rating: PG for this part but may get higher as I continue.
Warnings: Cross Gen, UST, AU and Angst this part contains implied past sex but not graphic.
Summary/Other Info: Alec comes to a realization about his feelings for Magnus This is drabble 13 of a 31 drabble series called The Christmas Wedding The first can be found HERE Also, this is my very first time writing this fandom and I've only read the first couple books so gentle.

Confused Feelings by HPFangirl71

Alec clutched tightly to the warm cup of cocoa he was drinking. He’d left Jace’s room over an hour ago, yet couldn’t get the confused thoughts out of his head.

Why had he left? Jace had been more than willing to take things further between them. What had stopped him? Alec knew the answer but it wasn’t something that he wanted to face.

Magnus Bane…

Magnus was the reason Alec had pushed Jace away. The warlock was the only man Alec had been with and he wasn’t sure he was ready to move on.

The fact remained, Alec missed Magnus…

pairing:jace/alec, project:fic or drabble, community:fandomwords100, pairing:magnus/alec, rating:pg, ongoing series: the christmas wedding, fandom: mortal instruments

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