25 Days of Harry and Draco Challenge: Day 9

Dec 15, 2012 05:52

Title: Jealousy
Word Count:700
Rating: NC 17 for overall possible content. PG for this part.
Prompt: Written for the group slythindor100 picture prompts: Day 9 Mistletoe
Warnings: Just More Angst and Misunderstanding Oh and more implied Pansy/George and Harry/OC
Disclaimer: JK owns the pretty boys. I just play with them from time to time and write about their naughty little exploits. I make no money from this undertaking.
Author's Notes: This is part 9 of a 25 part series(still playing catch up) called The Christmas Breakup. Part 1 can be found HERE

Jealousy by HPFangirl71

Draco’s world was crumbling, right before his very eyes. He sat across a table from not only Potter but the Weasel and what appeared to be Potter’s date. Edmund… the word felt bitter and cold on Draco’s tongue. But of course, what had he expected? Potter was a hero; he could have anyone he wanted, why should he settle for Draco when he could have this dream by his side. Dark haired, golden eyed, and a Healer in training to boot, the man by Potter’s side was anyone’s dream date.

Draco clenched the napkin in his lap throughout the multiple courses. He made the proverbial small talk and complimented Pansy on the elves fine work of the roasted lamb. He was as polite as could be expected under the uncomfortable circumstances. After all, it was only a week ago he’d been warming Potter’s bed and now to be so easily replaced. He watched as the two men ate cheerily together. Draco sent Pansy several daggered looks from across the table. She gave him a pained look, shrugging her shoulders but soon the self-absorbed witch forgot all about Draco’s predicament in favor of flirting with her new Weasley boss.

Draco watched the happy couples flirt through the soup, salad, and entrée courses but he balked at watching them be sweet while eating the Crème Brulee Pansy had planned for dessert. Draco politely excused himself before Pansy had a chance to object.

Draco found himself in the library, leaning against the marble fireplace when he realized he’d been followed. He turned to see Potter standing in the doorway, a cluster of mistletoe hanging over his head in an inviting sort of way.

“What the hell do you want?” Draco barked out defensively.

“You left so suddenly, I thought I might be the reason.” Harry whispered almost sadly.

Draco tried hard to look away, to look anywhere but directly into Potter’s face. Those eyes were always his downfall; their bright beauty was always too much for Draco to handle. They were altogether too Harry and they connected Draco to the man in a way he couldn’t seem to fight.

“I can’t do this. I can’t keep on pretending nothing ever happened. I can’t keep pretending that there isn’t anything more between us.” Draco cried despairingly.

“I was never the one who wanted to keep us a secret in the first place!” Harry replied, his voice a bit gruffer than intended.

Draco moved a bit closer, so close that he could place a hand on Harry’s arm, so close that Harry could register the pain in his eyes.

“And as much as I hate it, we were always meant to be a secret, Harry. We still are…”

Draco’s hand was at the back of Harry’s head as it pulled him in. His lips hesitated for the briefest of moments as they stumbled across Harry’s mouth. Harry’s lips opened up immediately to Draco’s touch and the blonde let out a contented sigh as he kissed the man. In fact, the kiss became quickly heated and desperate. Draco suddenly wanted more and he knew he couldn’t have it so he pulled away. Kissing Harry had been a mistake…

“Don’t you have a dinner date to get back to?” Draco said quietly.

Harry gave him a quizzical look. He thought back over the evening. He thought about Ron. Then his thoughts strayed to Edmund, his new friend. He knew what it must have looked like. Could Draco really be jealous? Also, didn’t he deserve better than a relationship shrouded in secrecy? Harry was torn between explaining and not wanting to get hurt again. When he finally spoke, he could hardly believe it was himself speaking.

“I suppose I might...”

Draco was stunned into silence. He looked at Harry, the man’s lips still swollen from their kiss. How could he have been so stupid? Did he really think one stupid kiss beneath the mistletoe would change everything? Harry had obviously moved on and Draco was an idiot for letting him use him like this. Without saying a word, Draco contained his fury, his disgust, his shameful desire… he kept it all locked inside as he stormed from the room.

ongoing series: the christmas breakup, project:fic or drabble, community:slythindor100, occasion:christmas, fandom:harry potter, pairing:draco/harry, rating:pg

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