Fandom: Mortal Instruments Drabble 14 of the Christmas Wedding Series

Dec 16, 2012 16:43

Title: Missing You
Fandom: Mortal Instruments
Challenge: For fandomwords100 Winter/Holiday challenge. Prompt 14: Blue Xmas Lights
Pairing Category: Slash romance (pairings Magnus/Alec and partially requited Jace/Alec)
Rating: PG for this part but may get higher as I continue.
Warnings: Cross Gen, UST, AU and Angst
Summary/Other Info: Alec Shows up on Magnus' doorstep. ( Read more... )

pairing:jace/alec, project:fic or drabble, community:fandomwords100, pairing:magnus/alec, rating:pg, ongoing series: the christmas wedding, fandom: mortal instruments

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Comments 4

snowcrazy921 December 16 2012, 21:49:11 UTC
I don't know if I want him to end up back with Magnus or have Jace finally come out in the open with him...Arg.


hpfangirl71 December 16 2012, 22:20:11 UTC
I'm almost torn as well so we'll see where the muse goes. I am a Jalec fan but this story itself is leaning me toward Malec slightly. <3

Either way, Alec will be happy at the end. :D


bererjs December 25 2012, 06:03:03 UTC
If Jace doesn't appreciate it what he has then I'm happy that Alec is going to Magnus.

Oh, I can't wait to see what will happened.


hpfangirl71 December 25 2012, 12:50:15 UTC
I'm glad you're not disappointed!! <3


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