HP Tarot Posting Templates & Instructions

Aug 03, 2008 22:00

Reminder! Posting starts in a matter of hours at the Potterverse Tarot Fest, hp_tarot!

Here again are the posting templates and instructions:

For Fics

All posts must be made in the comm itself and not "fake cut" (linked) to a post in your personal journal or another community.

Please post the fic yourself when your posting date comes up. If you have forgotten your date, the schedule is here: http://community.livejournal.com/hp_tarot/39652.html#cutid1

When you post, please post in BOTH the Livejournal community and the Insane Journal community. If you don't have accounts both places, let me know and a mod will repost for you in the other place. (Remember, you must be a member of the comm to post.)

If you can't make your scheduled date, please post as close to your date as possible, or email me to find out if there is another open slot you could take.

Here is the posting template/header:

Type: Fiction
Length: Word count or size (one-shot, short story, novella, novel, series, etc...) All pieces must be at least 1000 words long. There is no limit. If you want to write a novel, go ahead!
Main character or Pairing:
Rating: (Use G, PG, PG-13, R, or NC-17 please)
Canon compliancy: (i.e. through GOF, through HBP, canon compliant except Fred lives, etc...)
Warnings: (i.e. AU, Chan, Incest, Bestiality, Non-con, Death story, D/s, etc...)
Summary: No need to give away the whole plot, just enough to give readers an idea of what the story is about.
Cards Drawn:
Card Interpretation: Just a few sentences here, please. If you have a long, involved story of your spread to tell, please append it as an afterword to the story!
Author Notes: You might want to thank your beta-readers here, and put any other insights into your story.

For Art:

Artists, we've got an offsite server for hosting the art! Rather than try to explain the process of how to put things up there, please let's try doing it this way.

Create two files to email to me: the original art and a thumbnail. I'll email you back the URLs to paste into your post so that you can post yourself for all to see.

The thumbnail should be the size of an LJ icon, just a 100 x 100 pixel snippet (at 72 dpi) from the art or a miniaturized version, if you like. Maximum size 100 x 200 pixels, OK?

The actual art should be in your usual format if you've posted art before. If you haven't, I'd recommend the PNG format (instead of JPG), as it munges the art less when it compresses. Send a version that is 72 dpi in resolution, make it at least 600 pixels wide, up to 1000 pixels wide. Sound good?

Here's the header template you should use:

Type: Art
Main character or Pairing:
Rating: (Use G, PG, PG-13, R, or NC-17 please)
Warnings: (i.e. NWS, Chan, Incest, Bestiality, Non-con, graphic blood, nudity, D/s, etc...)
Summary: If needed to understand the art...
Cards Drawn:
Card Interpretation: Just a few sentences here, please. If you have a long, involved story of your spread to tell, please append it as an afterword to the story!
Artist Notes:

To post, you will use the image tag (IMG) and the anchor tag (A) to link to the hosted art. A sample of the code would look like this:

where "sample-art.jpg" is the piece of art, and "sample-art-thumbnail" is the thumbnail. You'll of course plug in the ACTUAL name of your art, not "sample." Once I have uploaded your art I'll send you the proper URLS to plug in. OK?


Email address is: ravenna_c_tan (at yahoo.com)

Any questions, please comment!

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