Posting starts Monday!

Aug 02, 2008 02:05

Just a reminder that posting for hp_tarot starts on Monday!

The hosting site for the art is up and running. I'll post detailed directions on art submission on Sunday but the short version is: you'll email me your art (and a thumbnail), I'll put them up on the web, and I'll email you back the URLs so you can make the post to the comm(s) yourself (for ease of commenting/replying). Suggestions from experienced artists on what sizes and resolutions things should be are welcomed! I'll work them into the detailed directions, too.

Fic writers, remember all fics must be posted in the comm directly and not fake-cut to your journal. (You *are* welcome to make fake cuts that point TO the comm, however, at your own journal and in appropriate other comms!) And don't forget you are required to have a beta reader, and please be sure it's someone who actually can help you fix errors of spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

I'm working on my own fic still and it's at 15,000 words right now. Yow!

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