HP Tarot Posting Templates & Instructions

Aug 03, 2008 22:00

Reminder! Posting starts in a matter of hours at the Potterverse Tarot Fest, hp_tarot!

Here again are the posting templates and instructions:

For Fics

fic writers click here )

mod post

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Comments 14

leochi August 4 2008, 05:08:26 UTC
I have my pics ready, but I'm sorry I don't understand WHERE to send them - I mean to which email address.
And I'm not sure how to deal with this:

... )


ravenna_c_tan August 4 2008, 05:18:41 UTC
You may post your own pics in your LJ when the fest is over, and I'm a dork and apparently didn't include my email address in the post above. It's ravenna_c_tan (at yahoo.com) -- the same address that is in all my and the comm's profile info. I felt it was overkill to create a separate address for modding the comm with.

I don't understand your question about "And I'm not sure how to deal with this:" since it looks like you are linking to something that doesn't exist? The answer might be... The "sample-whatever" given in the example is just that, only an example of what the code you should use should look like. The actual name of the piece of art you use will obviously not be "sample" yeah? Just guessing what your confusion is.


leochi August 4 2008, 05:12:39 UTC
Sorry, my second question isn't clear enoug:

What do I do with the template, or whatever it is in the last box?

A HREF=http etc.

I'm sorry to say I'm quite confused by the whole process. I'd very much prefer to post my art in the way I always post it to my LJ or the different communities.

Thank you for answering :-))


ravenna_c_tan August 4 2008, 05:23:45 UTC
Sorry that we cannot allow you to post your art in your LJ the way you usually do. Close to 20% of the art that was made for this comm in the previous rounds has been lost irrevocably because of LJ deletions and the like. The change that we will be doing the hosting has been well documented and announced in all the rules and FAQs, too.

The process is pretty simple.
1) You send me the art.
2) I upload it to the hosting site.
3) I email you back the URL for the hosted art.
4) You post, plugging in the URL for the hosted art as appropriate.

You'd need to plug in a URL anyway no matter where it was hosted.

For those who don't know how to add an image to an LJ post, or how to include a thumbnail and link, I included the code to be used in the post above. That's all.


leochi August 4 2008, 05:42:44 UTC
OK - thanks. (No sure if I've done it right, but I've sent you the art via Yahoo anyway, so we'll see if it's OK)


ravenna_c_tan August 4 2008, 05:58:44 UTC
Looks like I just got it! Now to see if Yahoo does the attachments right! :-)


cluegirl August 4 2008, 16:01:33 UTC
Heya. I'm afraid I will not have pictures for my story, as I'd intended to do. My muse skived off a couple of days, and put me behind schedule. As it is, I am fairly sure I can push through and get the story done by the 8th, and my beta team has been working on it scene by scene as I've gone along, so I'm HOPING I can pull a rabbit out of my... hat and make up the lost time and then some, so they'll have time to hit the story as a whole.

But just by way of a fallback plan, IS there a later slot I could take? In the interest of quality over timeliness and all? (Understanding, of course, that I am going to bust arse to make the 8th either way.)


ravenna_c_tan August 4 2008, 17:55:59 UTC
There *is* a later time slot you could fill, either the 15th or the 17th. My own fic came out monstrously long, so I am going to break it up into 3-4 pieces, but I don't care when they go up. So if you want to move to the 15th, I'll post a piece on the 8th?

You can let me know later. I'll be at Terminus, but I *plan* to be checking the comm... :-)


cluegirl August 4 2008, 18:04:00 UTC
Based on how things are going today, I'm gonna go ahead and say that I'd like to switch to the 15th please. That way, if I get the rough draft finished by this friday, it'll give me a little bit of time to walk away before I have to come back at it with the machete. (For some reason, this fic is sprawling! And I'm writing it nonsequentially, so I have poor perspective from within any given scene. That'll learn me...)

Anyhow, enjoy Terminus, and thanks for the slack!


ravenna_c_tan August 4 2008, 18:25:35 UTC
Excellent! That works. I'll rejigger the schedule thingie.


meghan70 August 5 2008, 04:07:41 UTC
i have a question: how far in advance should we email you the art? i'm almost finished with mine though it needs some touching up. also, i usually don't go online until late at night, so when posting it probably wouldn't show up until the next scheduled day. is that okay?


ravenna_c_tan August 5 2008, 04:15:15 UTC
You can send it to me as soon as it is finished. I'll email you back the URLs, you post anytime within the 24 hour period that is your posting date. Sound good?


meghan70 August 6 2008, 03:25:26 UTC
yep. thanks and enjoy your time at terminus.


ravenna_c_tan August 6 2008, 03:53:07 UTC
yr welcome! I'm all packed now!


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