Halloween Treat for Dragyn_42

Oct 31, 2019 15:07

Gift for: dragyn_42

From: flipflop_diva

Title: In Plain Sight
Pairing: Harry Potter/Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley
Rating: G
Summary: It’s the one night a year they can really be themselves around Muggles.
Notes: Thank you to A for the beta! And thank you, as always, to the mods for hosting one of my favorite fests of the year!

It was the perfect night - the air was cool but not too cold, the moon hung low in the sky, and the world seemed to smell like an intoxicating mixture of apples and chocolate.

Or maybe that was just the two women on either side of Harry, one happily munching on fudge while the other ate a caramel apple, their arms looped through his as they made their way down the crowded Muggle street on the one night no one would give them a second glance.

They had gone all out - wearing pointed hats and carrying their cauldrons, their black cloaks whipping around them. They walked through crowds of children dressed in costumes and got complimented by the adults with those children. And when they made their cauldrons float, or they disappeared in a puff of smoke (Luna’s idea) only to appear a few feet away, everyone clapped and tried to figure out how they had done it.

Best of all, no one noticed the candy from the children’s baskets flying into theirs.

“See?” Ginny grinned. “I told you this could be fun.” She smirked. “And when I get you both home, I promise it will be even more fun.”

!threesome, ^harry potter/ginny weasley/luna lovegoo, *flipflop_diva, rating: g, !2019

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