The Big Reveal!

Jul 08, 2009 11:18

First we'd like to thank all the authors and artists for participating and making this a great fest! Also a big thanks to all the readers who left brilliant comments and gave the authors/artists the feedback they deserve. Thanks to our amazing pinch-hitters who wrote amazing fics in a really short time! And thanks to everyone who helped us make this a wonderful fest!

Also a big special thanks to teganscrush; no matter what you think, I couldn't have done it without you ♥

And now the moment you've all been waiting for...

01) lily_phoenix731 wrote The Conquering [Harry/Voldemort - NC-17] for luciusmistress

02) iamisaac wrote Addiction [Ron/Draco - PG-13] for hollycomb

03) fairy_mischief wrote Thief [Harry/Scorpius, Harry/Draco - NC-17] for teganscrush

04) scarletladyy wrote The Problem With War [Pansy/Ginny - NC-17] for The Group

05) k8matty wrote Jailbait [Lucius/Sirius - NC-17] for iamisaac

06) dysonrules wrote Watercoloured [Regulus/James - NC-17] for westwardlee

07) love_stoned0_0 wrote This Must Be A Mistake [Snape/Harry - NC-17] for dm_p

08) shutupwench wrote Shag, Marry Or Cliff [Ron/Lee - PG-13] for psuedo_catalyst

09) lunalovepotter wrote Tangled Up In Blue [Ginny/Luna - NC-17] for larial_tari

10) dm_p wrote Fuck Love, Give Me Fire [Harry/Draco - NC-17] for The Group

11) luciusmistress wrote Ready But Not Willing [Lucius/Severus - NC-17] for k8matty

12) psuedo_catalyst wrote In Retrospect [Albus/Scorpius - PG-13] for The Group

13) camillily wrote Trust Me With Your Heart [Theodore/Neville - R] for bgreenwivy

14) larial_tari drew Confrontation [Ron/Draco - PG] for shutupwench

15) westwardlee wrote Like Poison [Remus/Sirius - NC-17] for The Group

16) hollycomb wrote Two Heirs [Barty Jr/Draco - NC-17] for fairy_mischief

17) teganscrush wrote Starlight In The Stands [Ginny/Luna - R] for lunalovepotter

18) bgreenwivy wrote The Importance Of Showers [Harry/Draco - NC-17] for The Group

19) teganscrush wrote To Sleep And Perchance To Not Dream [Harry/Tom - NC-17] for lily_phoenix731

20) thilia drew Mine [Pansy/Hermione - NC-17] for scarletladyy

Feel free to reply to your comments now and post your story on your own journal or wherever else you want. Don't forget to grab your banner and vote in our poll if you haven't already! :)

When you've posted your story on your journal and want me to update the link, please just let me know! :)

Once again, thanks to everyone who helped out in this fest! We'd love to run this fest again (maybe even sooner than we initially thought ;)), so feel free to let us know what you liked, what you disliked and what we could improve next time.

~ Your Mods ♥

!round1, !reveals, !spring09

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