The Importance Of Showers; Gift for hp_emofest!

Jul 02, 2009 10:07

Recipient: The Group
Title: The Importance of Showers
Author: bgreenwivy
Beta: Labyrinth
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Warning(s): Sexual Assault…okay rape…maybe more dubious consent. Highlight to read: [character death]
Length: 2,100 words
Summary: The important thing to realize about showers is that not only do they give you an opportunity for your body to get clean but they also allow you to clean out your mind and come to terms with life.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction set in the Harry Potter universe - all recognisable characters and settings are the property of J. K. Rowling and her associates. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is made from this work. Please observe your local laws with regards to the age-limit and content of this work.
Author's Notes: I wrote this out by hand over the course of a few days during my lunch break at work. What better place to write out an emo entry than at work. I also got somewhat confused by the pairing conventions of Draco/Harry…I have read ones where either of them top but…I hope you like it regardless and I flipped a coin to figure out who topped.

The Importance of Showers

Harry sat on the tile floor in the shower. Water pelting down on his head, intermingling with the tears and sweat of his skin. The sound from the shower echoed through the silent locker room, emphasizing how alone Harry was.

Ragged breathes bounced off the walls returning to his ears and amplifying. Stroking down his body, Harry embraced his arousal and tried to force his thoughts to happier moments. Ginny smiling at him while he caressed her, the warm embrace of her body. Suddenly her red hair was replaced by silvery blonde. Hard planes evolved from her voluptuous curves, freckled skin turned to pale and flawless, and woman turned to man.

Bitterly he stopped fighting it; imagining the way that pouty mouth would turn into a smirk or the way that voice could command respect and demand adulation. Harry’s hand sped up as he imagined his enemy, the person who had been instrumental in the murder of his mentor and the injuries of those he thought family. Whimpering Harry pinched his nipples, tilting his head back he whispered, “Draco…”

Ghostly fingers carded through his hair as Harry came, body arching up and straining. Reaching up Harry turned off the water and wiped the water off his face. Harry briefly staggered, his stiff legs protesting his attempts to walk away.

Wrapping a towel around his waist he sat on a bench, head in his hands. Memories flooded his mind until with a scream Harry let go. His magic erupted from his core slamming into objects and shifting them. Sending them careening around the room.

Lockers shook against the floor while things from lockers flew out of them and soared through the air. A crash louder than the others captured Harry’s attention causing him to release the objects. Concentrating Harry put them back in their original locations.

Sending out a wordless stunner Harry was unsurprised by the squawk and subsequent slam of someone into the lockers. Muttering the counter spell Harry was struck dumb by the appearance of Draco Malfoy.

“What are you doing Malfoy?” Harry barked his fist balling in agitation. “No don’t speak!” Waving his hand Harry silenced him and bound him to the locker.

Harry stared slightly transfixed by the Draco’s appearance. He was no longer elegantly slender but skeletally small. Cheekbones stood out starkly from a face that prior to being on the run was just elegantly sharp. The confident carriage was now stooped slightly. Even the gaze of Draco was somehow defeated.

A pang of sympathy temporarily went through Harry’s chest before he hardened his heart. “You know I think I should just hand you over to the authorities and let them to take you to Azkaban.” Draco seemed to wilt, being bound not withstanding. “Do you know what they do to boys like you there?”

Magically Harry flipped Draco so that he was spread eagle against the locker, his faced pressed into the metal.

Harry contemplated the position briefly before grabbing the waist of Draco’s pants and forcing them down. Regarding the pale backside facing him, Harry couldn’t help but grab a handful and squeeze. A tremor went through Draco’s body and Harry couldn’t help but laugh bitterly.

“Scared yet, Malfoy?” Harry laughed as Draco’s backside clenched. “You see pretty boys like you get passed around like favors.” Harry spread Draco’s ass cheeks and studied the pink fluttering hole with a laugh. Removing one of his hands, Harry stuck his finger in his mouth.

Making sure he made obscene sucking noises, Harry alternated between gripping and smacking Draco’s ass. Smiling at the fact that Draco’s face was reddening, Harry forced his finger up Draco’s rectum. The smooth insides welcomed the intrusion. Harry began to move it around widening it slowly. Abruptly he removed his finger and dropped the towel.

Using no preparation Harry entered Draco’s body in one thrust, not giving Draco time to adjust. Harry began to slam in, pushing Draco up into the locker. With a flick of his hand, Harry released Draco from the silencing and unbound him from the locker. Harry grabbed his hands and slammed them above his head. In the process, Draco’s head connected with the locker with an almost sickening crunch.

Draco whimpered, “No please…”

“Shut it…” Harry groaned, reaching a hand around and pinching Draco’s nipple ruthlessly though his shirt. The speeds of his thrusts increasing with a groan Harry came. Withdrawing as though he had been burned, Harry stepped back and went into the shower.

Turning on the water, Harry stepped into the spray. The crashing sound he heard from the locker room area gave him pause. Looking heavenward, Harry cursed his innate goodness. Stomping out of the shower, he grabbed Draco by the front of his shirt and dragged him into the shower.

“Potter, let go.” Draco grumbled trying to get away only to be thwarted by Harry ripping his shirt open and removing his shoes. As Draco tried to kick out, his pants were yanked off and once again his head connected with the floor.

“Poor little Malfoy.” Harry sneered, irritated that he felt any actual sympathy for him. Turning away from Draco’s now naked body, Harry went back to rinsing himself off.

Beside him, Draco tried and failed to stand. Utilizing his peripheral vision, Harry watched the blur of Draco’s body fail to lift up far enough to turn on the taps. Harry reached over and turned it on before going back to his own rinse. When he was done, Harry turned to see; Draco sat with his back against the shower wall.

“Wake up Princess you can’t stay here.” Harry chuckled darkly. Draco simply kept his eyes closed.

“Just call the authorities and get it over with.” Draco murmured.

“Give me a reason not to.” Harry retorted leaning against the tiled wall.

“You held me down and raped me.” Draco responded emotionlessly. “Come is dribbling out of my ass and odds are that when I go to Azkaban I will get more of the same.”

“Or I could hide you, make you my bitch and you could help with ways to end the war.” Harry commented, summoning his towel.

“Yes, and after all that still end up in Azkaban.” Draco replied, letting his head hang.

“For god’s sakes you are a Slytherin, act like it.” Harry growled as he toweled off.

“That’s what got me into this mess in the first place.” Draco yelled, attempting and failing to get to his feet.

“No, what got you in this mess, as you call it, is your inability to think for yourself.” Harry responded crossing his arms over his chest. “Now here’s your chance, decide.”

“Oh some choice this is, raped by the guards and prisoners of Azkaban or raped by the Savior of the Wizarding world.” Draco retorted, trying to stand again, Harry took the decision out of his hands by dragging him into the locker room. Harry didn’t know what prompted him to haul Draco into the locker room again, or to slam him onto the bench.

“Look at that locker.” Harry grabbed Draco’s hair and forced him to look. “Do you honestly think they would just let you go if they got you bound to a surface? They would probably keep you bound and take turns.”

“You made your point.” Draco whimpered, smacking at Harry’s hand. He continued bitterly, “Fine, I’m your bitch but if you hadn’t noticed I am wanted by the authorities.”

“I already thought about that, Princess.” Harry chuckled, releasing his grip and petting Draco on the head. “Not too long ago, I decided to buy a place near Hogsmeade.”

“I thought you stayed with the Weasels?” Draco questioned. He was smacked smartly for his troubles.

“Watch your mouth, Princess.” Harry growled before he continued. “If you want to survive this, you will show a little respect for my adopted family.”

“Yes, sir.” Draco mumbled.

“An unbreakable vow will seal the deal.” Harry thought aloud, continuing to pet Draco.

“Your terms?” Draco asked resignedly.

“I can have you anyway I want you, whenever I want you.” Pausing thoughtfully, Harry stopped petting Draco. “When I’m not with you, I will expect you to help me do something, other than that you will have an allowance and can do what you please.”

“I am going to need a house elf.” Draco commented, breaking Harry’s train of thought.

“Why?” Harry asked his eyes narrowing.

“If I am a wanted man, how exactly am I going to get supplies?” Draco retorted, raising his eyebrows.

“Fine but if I even think you are treating it badly…”

“I know, I know…” Draco sighed shifting uneasily.

“Is it a problem?” Harry asked raising an eyebrow of his own. Draco shook his head so Harry continued. “Let’s do this then.”

“You can’t make an Unbreakable Vow without a third.” Draco pointed out helpfully.

“Neville will do it.” Harry responded without thinking.

“Not your trusty sidekicks?” Draco queried.

Harry snorted. “Not a chance.”

“Fine…” Draco trailed off.

“Don’t worry so much, Princess.” Harry scoffed, moving away to get dressed. “You finally made a smart choice.


Draco sat in his living room, tapping a fingernail on his platinum collar. On the front, the name ‘Princess’ was engraved and on the back ‘Property of Harry Potter’. Getting up Draco began to pace.

Today was the day that Harry would face off with Voldemort. Draco had done extensive research for Harry on all the different ways that Voldemort and his horcruxes could be defeated. Now with all but one horcruxes out of the way Harry was finally free to end it.

Draco recalled the moment when he had realized that Harry could die.

“If I don’t come back, you can keep the house and I have set aside a vault in Gringotts that no one but you can touch.” Harry had commented as he had been petting Draco.

“You won’t die.” Draco responded sleepily. “It goes against your job description as Savior.”

“Christianity has a different take on Saviors.” Harry chuckled.

“Since when have Christianity and wizards been compatible?” Draco asked and Harry chuckled.

“Just know that when this is over I have taken steps to insure your freedom. Even if I don’t make it, you will have that.” Draco refused to respond and Harry continued. “If I die, the collar will come off and you will be free.”

Now Draco sat waiting, his breath coming in pants as for some unknown reason tears prickled from behind his eyelids. Walking into his bathroom, he removed his clothes. Draco stepped into the shower turning the knobs for the rainfall showerhead. As the water gently slid across his skin, his legs refused to hold him.

Sitting on the floor, he ran his hands up and down his body. Every time he got in the shower, he couldn’t help thinking about Harry and that first time. His arousal began to rise and fill. Draco took it in his hands while the other held tight to his collar. When he climaxed, eyes closed and neck stretched backwards, the collar came off in his hand.

The tears tumbled over each other as they fell. Draco collapsed onto his side, holding the collar to his chest. He couldn’t stop the sobs that raked his body. Curling up in the fetal position, Draco cried until he couldn’t stand it. Slowly he got to his feet and turned off the shower, the collar clenched close to his heart.

Walking naked to his bedroom, Draco crawled between the sheets and stared at what represented his freedom and his heartbreak. Running his fingertips across the smooth outside with the words Princess on it he flipped it and stared. On the inside was a message he had never seen before,
‘I love you and set you free.”

pairing: harry/draco, !round1, !spring09, slash, rating: nc-17, fic

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