Name: Kira / Kira O'Hara (I don't have any FUN nicknames yet!)
Age: 24
Location: Orlando, FL, USA (aka Touristland)
What's in your journal: Currently, H/D fanfiction. Hopefully going to add my art (mostly original), some of my original fiction, some Naruto fanfiction, and of course more HP fic! There's also the occasional post of me giggling at something.
What rating is your journal: Um...probably Mature, since much of my fic is/will be. >.>; My occasional giggle-posts are probably about PG-13.
Favourite character(s): Um...Luna, Harry, Hedwig, Sirius, Draco, Neville, the TWINS, Tonks, Remus, Albus S., Scorpius, James S., McGonagall...hell, I like most of them. *__*
Interests outside of fandom: RPGs, books, sketching, tabletop RP games, bellydance, martial arts...and, um, other fandom? Oh, I also like to cook...when I'm not lazy. >.>
Friending policy: Friend away! I'll friend you right back! :3 ♥ I'd prefer no under-18 friends, since most of my writing is at some point NC-17, but I don't really check. There's a warning in my userinfo that should suffice. *nods*
Hogwarts house: Anything but Hufflepuff. Probably Gryffindor.
Familiar: A small, grey kitty. Or, um, a tiny rainbow boa. *__*
Favourite Hogwarts class: Um...magical theory? Canon classes...Charms or Arithmancy or Potions. (So decisive, I know.)
Favourite pairing(s): Harry/Draco. I'm also big on AS/S, R/Hr and Nev/Luna. And ginger!twincest. I like Blaise/Ginny and Dean/Pansy, too. Actually, if you take ANYONE other than Harry and Draco and pair them up, I'll probably like it. >.> (Okay, I'll occasionally take Snape thrown into my H/D too.)
What you do in fandom: Read tonnes, comment a bit, up for beta though I haven't done it in fandom, and I've written three rather massive fics. >.>;;;
What you can offer to friends: Lovey love stuff. Um. Friendship? Um. Occasional ficcage? IDK. .__.;
How long you've been in fandom: Uh...probably around 2004-05 was when I discovered HP fic. I only started writing in '09. I've really started being proactive this year, though. ^^;
Other fandoms you like: *deep breath* Naruto, Ronin Warriors, Gundam Wing, Digimon, Cardcaptors, Dragonriders of Pern, Sherlock Holmes, anything Shakespeare, BBC Merlin, Inception, list seems FAR too short and I know there should be more... Alas. (I will point out that I'm not really active in those fandoms - except Naruto at times - but I still like them. ♥)
Other comms you like:
hd_smoochfest for finally getting me writing;
hd_relief for being AWESOME;
hp_valensmut, and
bottom_draco for having amazing archives. *__*
insaners for making my day;
hd_cockbook for filing me with giddy anticipation;
hd_writers for being made of awesomesauce; and
chatzy_addict because I love my chatzy girls! ♥♥♥ There are more, but I will stop now!
Anything else you'd like to mention: I love people. I write more when prodded or given a deadline. >.>; Um...I squirm happily with every lovely comment I get, and they really do make my day. I like chattering about anything and everything, though I'm really quite shy at first. Um...hi, ilu, bb? ♥~?