Jul 15, 2011 22:57
Name: YayCoffee
Age: 30-something
Location: Texas
What's in your journal: rl, fandom (hp, spn, and various others at my whim... but hp is my first and best fandom love :-))
What rating is your journal: Eh... mostly g or pg to pg-13 occasionally r... nothing too crazytown
Favourite character(s): Harry, Remus, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville, Draco, Marauders... really... they are all kind of awesome in some way.
Interests outside of fandom: music, reading, cooking, decorating.
Friending policy: Come on in. :-) Can I get you a Coke? (though, if you have a blank journal, I might want you to introduce yourself so I know you're real)
Hogwarts house: Gryffindor
Familiar: Out of an owl, toad, or cat? Probably an owl.
Favourite Hogwarts class: Transfiguration
Favourite pairing(s): Harry/Draco, Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, Remus/Sirius (I also love a good gen story)
What you do in fandom: Write and read (and squee)
What you can offer to friends: A hot cup of coffee ;-), a comment on entries, an ear and a shoulder. And I'm really good a picking out paint colors, which comes in handy sometimes ;-)
How long you've been in fandom: Since just after the Goblet of Fire book came out... So a pretty long time.
Other fandoms you like: Supernatural, Alice in Wonderland (2010), Psych, and kind of whatever looks fun. I watch a lot of television, and though I'm not in those fandoms the way I'm in HP or SPN (quasi-actively writing and active-actively reading), I'll sometimes write a little something for the fun of it when the mood strikes, or read something that is recced or looks interesting.
Other comms you like: There are so many...
Anything else you'd like to mention: Not really... my flist, which was largely hp-fandomy back in the day has sort of moved on and away from hp fandom and onto other fandoms or away from it completely. I love keeping up with them, but I miss having a flist that was more potter-centric. I'm hoping to find a few more Potter People to add :-)
i read,
i cheer,
i discuss,
ship: harry/ginny,
i squee,
ship: sirius/remus,
i write,
ship: harry/draco,
ship: ron/hermione,
i beta