Jul 19, 2011 18:21
Name: Jasmine.
Age: 16.
Location: USA.
What's in your journal: Right now, not much other than TSN fic, but soon I'll get around to adding all of the HP fic I've written. In the next couple of days, there's going to be much Snape/Lily adding.
What rating is your journal: 14+, I suppose.
Favourite HP character(s): Snape, Luna, Harry, Hermione, Ron, McGonagall, Sirius, Remus, and I have an unhealthy obsession with the Black sisters.
Interests/Hobbies outside of fandom: I write a lot of original things, and I dance and sing.
Friending policy: I'll most likely friend anyone who adds me! I like new people. (:
Hogwarts house: SLYTHERIN. Or Ravenclaw.
Familiar: Owl, I'd wager.
Favourite Hogwarts class: Oooooooooh, this is a toughie. DADA, I think.
Favourite pairing(s): Ron/Hermione is my OTP to end all OTPs. Hmm. Also, Harry/Luna, Harry/Ginny, Snape/Lily, Sirius/Lily (though I do adore James), Remus/Sirius.
What you do in fandom: I write and beta.
What you can offer to friends: Lots of fic. I'm always down to talk about Harry Potter, anything about it.
How long you've been in fandom: Oh, goodness. Since Cassie Clare (can I describe it as that? Is that something I can do?). At least five years ago, longer, most likely.
Other fandoms you like: The Social Network, and Glee because the fanwank makes me giggle.
Other comms you like: All of the ones I'm a part of, I've not become a huge fan of too many...
Anything else you'd like to share: I sobbed my eyes out at The Prince's Tale. My love of Snape is bordering on unhealthy.
i read,
ship: harry/luna,
ship: severus/lily,
ship: arthur/molly,
ship: sirius/remus,
ship: ron/hermione,
i beta,
i make graphics,
i cheer,
i squee,
age: under 18,
ship: albus/gellert,
i write