You Turn It Around/ Anything You Can Do, I Can Do better/ Real Friends/ Illusion

Aug 17, 2007 16:50

Title: You Turn It Around
House: Gryffindor
Word count: 100
Challenge: #221, ‘demand a rewrite’
Characters/pairings: Remus/Sirius
A/N: I actually cannibalized the idea for this scene from a longer fic of mine, which doesn’t seem to be going anywhere fast and was therefore used for spare parts. The longer version would be pretty different anyway, as it turns out. Oh - and the title and cut tag text are from Poe's Amazed, same as the text on my icon.

Remus stiffened.


“Remus, you have to help me - ”

“Help you? After you betrayed James and - ”

“I never betrayed them, Remus, I’m innocent - ”

“The hell, you are.”

An utterly wretched look passed across Sirius’ face. Remus almost pitied him. He actually wondered whether it could be true. But, no, it’s not possible; he’s just trying to manipulate me again...

“Remus, listen....”

“What do you want to say to me?” Remus asked, coolly.

And Sirius told him, everything. Finally Remus believed him.

“He’s at Hogwarts,” Sirius finished, indicating the newspaper.

“How convenient,” Remus said. “Don’t worry. We’re going to deal with him.”

Title: Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better
House: Gryffindor
Word count: 100
Challenge: #221, ‘demand a rewrite’
Characters/pairings: Harry, Hermione, Dumbledore, Crookshanks
A/N: In the same vein as Reminder, but they definitely stand alone.

“We did it!” Harry said. “Sirius has gone, on Buckbeak...”

“But the Timeturner was destroyed,” Hermione added, worriedly. “When Pettigrew - ”

“Don’t worry,” Dumbledore said. “I’ll explain that.”

Harry and Hermione sighed, relieved. They had actually altered Time successfully, or relatively successfully.


Crookshanks wandered back to the dormitory, carrying the shiny bauble in his mouth. It was crunchy, and he had actually mistaken the chain it was on for a very long rat tail. He had been disappointed until he remembered just how important his mistress had seemed to think this bauble was. Perhaps it would come in useful after all.

Title: Real Friends
House: Gryffindor
Word count: 100
Challenge: #221, ‘demand a rewrite’
Characters/pairings: young!Snape, Sorting Hat
A/N: Yes, the Sorting Hat is supposed to sound like it’s on drugs. I really think it must be smoking/snorting something weird half the time, and that the whole British Wizarding community is, too, to buy into this crazy Sorting thing. *g* Um, this was originally meant to be a sort of tribute to Snape, who was is so brave, but it ran away and became a simple parody of the Sorting process.

Severus was startled to find that a Hat, of all things, was talking to him. Apparently, magic could be strange.

Hmm, the Sorting Hat said into his brain. Where shall I put you? You’ve loads of courage...

Severus looked at the Gryffindor table, where those idiots Black, Potter, Lupin and Pettigrew were sitting.

Not Gryffindor, he thought.

The Hat seemed saddened by this.

What? No way! You’re so brave! Anyway, you’ll see, you’ll get along just fine with all your new friends in Gryffindor. Trust me, you’ll thank me later.



Title: Illusion
House: Gryffindor
Word count: 100
Challenge: #221, ‘demand a rewrite’
Characters/pairings: Snape
A/N: Major DH spoilers. Um, parody. And this is here because I actually do demand a rewrite, damn it!

After Potter was gone, Snape sat up and dusted himself off. His had been a rather nasty run-in with the Dark Lord; he was lucky he had prepared himself, and still had the presence of mind to cast that Illusion Charm when Potter arrived. Faking his own death in order to retire early had been a great idea.

He almost smiled as he stood up. They were going to win the war, and he had even, more or less, made peace with Potter - not that he cared about that part.

Now, he just had to catch his plane to Florida.
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