Death Eater R&R, Part 12

May 25, 2006 00:47

Title: Death Eater R&R, Part 12
House: Hufflepuff
Rating: G
Characters: General Death Eaters
Challenge: Staff Development
Word count: 100
A/N: Once again, wonderful idea that wulfkub had. Thanks to soberloki, greenbryeth, wolfma, lady_match and bluejeanphoenix for continuing it.

36. When explaining the Incident of Halloween 1981 to new recruits, DON'T use the words "beaten by a baby" unless you're longing to be beaten to a pulp.

37. If you're a Death Eater, it's inadvisable for you to fall in love with, date, marry or impregnate any of the following:

a. Mudbloods (male or female);
b. Blood traitors, particularly red-headed Weasley-types (male or female);
c. The prophesied saviour of the wizarding world.

And yes, Draco Malfoy, we ARE talking to you.

38. Lord Voldemort is a magnificent Dark Lord. He does NOT need to read the Evil Overlord List.

author: gehayi, challenge: staff development, death eaters, death eaters r&r

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