Title: Death Eater R&R Part 11
House: Gryffindor
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Death Eaters
Author's Notes: I had some more ideas, and figured I'd go ahead and write them out. Once again wonderful idea that
wulfkub had, and wonderful works that were continued by
gehayi, and
34. Engorgio’s intended use is on animals, inanimate objects, etc. It is not for use on any parts of your anatomy.
35. Nagini would not make a good snake skin anything. Don’t even think about it! The Dark Lord knows all.
35. a. The Dark Lord does knows all. He’s like Santa Claus, without the round belly, beard, or sack full of toys.
35. b. Do not ask the Dark Lord if he is Santa Claus. This will result in the Avada Kedavra curse being used on you.
35. c. None of the house elves are related to Santa’s Elves.