Mother's Day

May 16, 2006 13:45

Title: Mother’s Day
House: Gryffindor
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Rosmerta, Hagrid, Harry, Neville
Rating: G
Challenge: Mothers

Rosmerta was very busy on this second Sunday of May. She paused long enough to give Hagrid, Neville and Harry a smile as she set their drinks on the table. “One ale, two butterbeers,” she said, and hurried back to the bar.

“To absent mothers,” she heard Hagrid declare. She looked up to see Neville and Harry clink their bottles against Hagrid’s tankard. “Here, here,” they said.

Rosmerta took a plateful of cookies over to their table. “On the house. This holiday makes me blue as well,” she confessed.

“You don’t have a mother?”

Rosmerta smiled. “I have no children.”

author: lionille, challenge: mothers

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