Title: "Just Give Me Time"
House: Slytherin
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Severus/Remus
Rating: R
Challenge: Transformation
Author's Notes: Rated R for nakedness. Slash.
Remus lay on the ground, naked and covered with sweat. His body shivered as he let out a soft raspy breath and closed his eyes, exhausted. Severus gently covered his body with a warm blanket.
“Transformations are so difficult on you...” he whispered, though the Potions master was quite sure he was only speaking to himself. “I’m working to find a way for you to stay as you are, Remus... Just give me time...”
Brushing the lycanthrope’s graying hair off his forehead; Severus pressed his lips softly against Remus’ sweaty skin. “I love you...” He murmured between Remus’ faint snoring.