
Oct 22, 2005 10:27

Title: Fiercely
House: Gryffindor
WC: 100
Characters/Pairings: Sirius/Remus
Challenge: Elements

They are fiercely together in these moments between states. Remus howls in agony, writhing under him, and Sirius can’t remember if he’s boy or dog, Padfoot or…otherwise. He almost breaks at the sound, so harsh, but knows he must hold, must save Moony from himself.

There is a second-brief and beautiful-where the agony stops and their eyes meet, somehow fully human despite their changing forms. They gasp, together, and when the howls start again they are as one, mixed pain and joy under the faintly glowing sky.

They kiss when it’s over, their spirits both broken and whole.

Title: Howl
House: Gryffindor
WC: 100
Characters/Pairings: Sirius (Sirius/Remus)
Challenge: Elements

He'd give anything to see the sky again, to feel the wind in his hair, the earth beneath his toes, to drink of the small stream behind their house and touch Moony's hand, intertwined with his own.

His heart catches fire, burning from the inside, and he cannot remember how to say these things, how to express his sorrow. He feels his spirit tear, and wishes only to taste fresh water one more time, to feel Remus’s tongue pressed against his own as they roll over the worn earth.

Moonlight slips through the slats of his cell, and Sirius howls.

Title: Weep
House: Slytherin
WC: 100
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Draco
Challenge: Elements

“Draco,” he says, and it is not a question or an invitation, just a word spoken into the earth they are both pressed to.

“Harry,” he replies, and they would nod, even kiss, if they could move, if there wasn’t so much dirt on their faces and in their mouths.

They know they will die (trapped as they are, it is inevitable) but they don’t need words of promise, only this, to hear their name from the other’s lips and know they are not forgotten.

The earth takes them later, and weeps in silent requiem for love too often lost.

sirius/remus, harry/draco, challenge: the elements, author: tousled_quill

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