Feb 19, 2005 07:24

Challenge: Valentine's Day
House: Ravenclaw
Words: 100 (including "O")
Characters: James/Lily

To My Most Divine and Glorious Mistress,
on the Occasion of the Feast of Saint Valentine

O, bid me get thee anything thou ask,
And being named, though whim or heart’s desire,
I’ll bring it thee, and thank thee for the task,
Else thy loyal love thou call a liar.

Whate’er you ask, I would roam o’er the world
No will, no goal I ever claim but thine,
And being done, I want not praise nor gold,
I beg but this, to be thy Valentine.

Dear James,

Stop showing off. Just pick me up on time. SEVEN O’CLOCK.

Love, Lily
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