Title: In the Genes
celeriaWords: 100
House: Ravenclaw
Characters Hermione's parents and younger sister
Rating: PG
Notes: This drabble grew out of my complaining about the newest revelations on JKR's website, in particular the bit about magical ability being a dominant and resilient gene. (Is this a spoiler? Let me know if I should cut it.) The longer and better version is posted over at
Jane knows it was a mistake. She's apologized dozens of times. What more does he want?
She remembers the look on his face when he found that website, stating that magical ability is a dominant and resilient gene. Michael is awful at science, and she hoped for a full minute that it wouldn't compute. But it did. His eyes - blue, unlike their firstborn daughter's - fell, and he began to cry.
After Hermione went to Hogwarts, they had another child. Four-year-old Olivia, Jane knows, will never show any signs of magic. She hopes this is enough to make Michael forgive her.