Dreams / Eye for an Eye

Dec 13, 2004 11:16

Title: Dreams
Challenge: Redeption
House: Slytherin
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Ginny, Molly, Arthur
A/N: My first Weasley-centric drabble. Be gentle. Takes place in the summer after the Chamber is opened. I'm hoping the idea of needing to be redeemed comes through on this...

They know she blames herself. She's been quiet all summer, preferring her room to the family's company.

"It's just so unlike her!" Molly frets, leaning her head on her husband's shoulder. It's never easy for a mother to see a child hurting and her heart is breaking for her only daughter.

"She'll be all right," Arthur says, kissing his wife’s temple. But deep down inside he wonders if it's really the truth, and if he can believe it.

And upstairs in her room, Ginny Weasley tosses and turns, her dreams filled with Tom's seductively sweet voice and Harry's pain-filled eyes.

Title: Eye for an Eye
Challenge: Redeption
House: Slytherin
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Sirius
A/N: Also my first Sirius drabble! I'm not too sure about this style, tell me if it works.


It's quiet tonight, the prisoners are sleeping. All but one. A tortured soul.

The rest of the world thinks he's a murderer.

But he's not.

They think he sold out his best friend.

But he didn't.

Sometimes at night he can hear James laughing. And they're teenagers at Hogwarts again.

Then the Dementors swoop in, their very presence chilling him to the bone.

He doesn't have any more happy memories. Only revenge sustains him.

And at the end of the day he knows only revenge will redeem him. An eye for an eye.

He awaits an opportunity of escape.

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