So, We want to boot our roommate out.
She's decided she wants to try her hand at selling coke out of our flat and We're SO not down for that. She's told my partner that "it'll be fine!" when my partner expressed concern for our cats if they got into it. (If they got into it, their little hearts could explode!) Among several other things, this is the last straw!!
I have the paperwork all typed up and signed and everything, ready to hand to her and say "Get out!", but I come home and she's in tears, Sweeping the livingroom.
"Oh can you put the dog in his cage? I've lost my lip ring and I really wanna find it." Thank you I've just gotten home from taking a quite long walk with a tired dog in almsot 30C weather, he needs a rest on the cool floor! But, out of consern for him perhaps stepping on a peircing and getting it stuck in his foot, I crate him. (Note: We have a great Dane, who doesn't like his feet touched)
I feel like it'd be a dick thing to do to give her an eviction notice when she's already so upset. A few friends on facebook have suggested I just suck it up and give it to her anyway. But I really don't want to deal with her, and I really don't want to leave her here with my friend, my cats, my dog, my stuff, but I have to go to work soon.
What do you all think I should do?