Our apartment is currently a den of death

Sep 01, 2012 10:42

For a few days this week, there was a really bad smell, like garbage, around the fridge.

I couldn't identify the source, and decided, regretfully, that I was going to have to mop the floor and scrape up the weird old food stains under the fridge door.

But then Roommate says, "Oh, by the way, you know that smell?  The chicken I bought went bad."  It had been coming from his raw chicken inside the fridge.  It was only a few days past its expiration date, so - not really Roommate's fault.  Just a bit of bad luck.  Everyone forgets they've bought something and it goes bad and then they have to throw it away.  No problem.  At least we now know where the smell was from.

It's now two days later, and I just walked into the kitchen for the first time today and a wave of stench hit me in the face.  It almost immediately became apparent what the source was.  Remember that spoiled raw chicken that was smelling so badly that its stench leaked through the fridge door?  Yeah, Roommate took it out of the fridge and dumped it into the kitchen garbage can.  Because CLEARLY, sitting there, with no refrigeration, it will smell less.

I'm currently deciding whether to just take out the damn trash (garbage night isn't for five days), or to yell at Roommate when he gets home and make him do it.

I'll probably just take it out in the next five minutes.

Christ afire.
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