Happy Easter Antoine

Mar 24, 2008 12:30

I am so later on the wishing eveyone a Happy Easter but I guess that's natural when you are still kinda mad with God for the cards that have been dealt to you. I keep telling myself not to blame God for the events that have taken place in my life. Especially over the past year. I keep reminding myself that there is an evil one who seeks to destroy me, I tell myself there is hell in which this wicked one wants to drag poor souls like myself down into. And then I constantly remind myself that there is ME...I too play a role in the cards that I have received and some times even when being dealt a bad hand, I still have played some shitty cards.

I had a whole lot to do yesterday. I was invited to a few dinners, a couple birthday parties and I managed to attend NONE. What's up with me and this standing off from social gatherings. Funny thing is...I am very sociable but when it comes to attending parties where I only know the host--Its scary. So  I just don't go. I know that that is a habit I need to flee from and quickly but I seriously doubt it will break on its own. I will definately have to exhaust my efforts but honestly, a part of me is not willing to.  Shame on me huh?

I hung out with Antoine--boy is he a mess. I overheard a phone conversation of his last night in which I learned a lot about his character and I found that I don't like Antoine--AT ALL. I mean, we had sex yesterday which was graded a "C" considering that he is too damn melodramatic during our encounters. He told me that he is sensitive but dammit stop moaning like a litte bitch!!!! It's so annoying. I don't know... I guess his noise annoys me because I am silent as I go, givinng no real sign of exceeding enjoyment. I mean I do breathe heavily and whisper softly but the grunts and damn near screams? OH SPARE ME! About the conversation he clearly stated that he is "evil" I guess this was in response to how he turned on someone who "crossed" him in the past. Nonetheless, his conversation turned my stomach and I had heard enough.

I needed a way to let him know that I had overheard the conversation he was having while he had thought that I was sleep. So he comes to bed and he touching all over my chest. I am completely annoyed by him at this point but again show him no real signs of distorted emotion. I simply say " You are a very interesting person." He was clearly flattered by this statement as he went on to say "Thank you." But of course I meant it to show my utter disgust with him. "I learned a lot about you in this passed hour." I say.

"What do you mean?" Anotine asked.

"I heard bits and pieces of your conversation. When I had woke up I didn't go back to sleep, I just placed the pillow over my head."

He removed his hand from my chest which let me know that he knew that I had heard something that he had said that  I did not like. It was playing out just the way I wanted it to. I went on to tell him what I heard but I didn't tell him that I knew that in parts of his conversation that he was talking about me... it was about me being over there for Easter and how he cooked but did not share with me explaining that he was being "evil"...he thought that was cool but that was actually okay because I get the last laugh as I called his bluff and made him  feel stupid.

I left early this morning, saying no more than "come lock your door behind me." Antoine fails to realize that I can do TEN times better than him. One he is not cute at all and two I AM... THREE.... HE WILL NEVER HAVE ANOTHER DUDE THAT LOOKS LIKE ME GET AT HIM!!! He blew it...over something extremely stupid. Happy Easter Antoine...don't call me PERIOD!

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