I have been posting so often lately, wow.

Mar 19, 2009 17:28

Not doing the 10 people make your day award meme thing because I love all of you. :|

Am doing the sexuality meme, though.

1. What gender of character do you play more of, male or female? Why?
I play guys. And Tsubaki.

2. Is this different or the same as your own gender?
I am, in fact, a chick, despite my habit of doing things like using the word "chick".

3. Do you find that your gender makes it easier or more challenging to play your characters?
I am quintessentially lazy and I don't play a character unless it's pretty easy to manage them. 8D; That said, Tsubaki is the character I probably struggle most with, but I think that's because she's quiet and polite instead of a loud asshole, not because she's a girl instead of a guy.

4. What sexuality / gender identity do your characters have?
Mmmm, let's see here....

Grif- Straight. Stubbornly, stubbornly straight. Like, even if a theoretical (and honestly unlikely) situation arose where he was attracted to a guy, he would justify/ignore it away. ("But AF!" I hear you say, "Don't you ship Grif/Simmons?" Well, yes, but attraction and desperation are hardly synonymous. 8D;)

Tsubaki- Black*Star-sexual. :| Idk, she is pretty devoted to Black*Star, but she's basically a side character and her sexuality has not been particularly explored, y'know? She pretty clearly likes guys, but there's no indication that she doesn't also like girls, yeah?

Booster- I believe Booster is straight simply because if he wasn't, it would've come up by now. That said, I think if Booster found himself in a situation where he was attracted to a guy, he'd roll with it pretty easily. He'd probably be kind of surprised first, but he'd roll with it.

Redcloak- Redcloak is straight but too married to his job for it to matter.

Wash- Wash.... I'm sure he had a sexuality once, back before Epsilon drove him insane. I couldn't begin to say what it was, but I'm sure he had one. Now, though, he's just completely asexual and basically incapable of forming relationships.

Guy- Guy's definitely straight. There's really just no two ways about it.

Simmons- As keen as I think BF's physically hetero, emotionally homo idea is, I'm sticking with bi, preference towards women and pretty damn closeted on top of it for my Simmons. It's. Really almost the same thing, especially when you consider how unlikely it is for Simmons to get any at all on top of it. :V

5. How does your character's sexuality and gender identity define / affect their personality?
Um, their personality I don't think it really affects all that much. I. I guess it's a part of them, but it's not generally something I pay any particular mind to. Like, uh, I don't go into interactions thinking about how a character's sexuality will affect the interaction, I just go into them thinking about how they'd react. I guess sexuality is in there, but I just think about the whole in general. That said, I do generally put some thought into what a character's sexuality is. It just doesn't come up a lot.

6. Do you tend to predominantly play characters of a certain sexuality? If so, why?
I seem to play predominately straight characters, but that's not really a conscious decision on my part or anything. Sexuality isn't really a big thing to me, y'know? So it's not something I consider a lot. *Shrugs*

7. To what extent do you write / play your character's sexual or romantic life?
If anything, quite possibly less than I ought. By which I mean that Grif and Booster should probably hit on more girls. :V I am not really particularly interested in rping out a romantic relationship, so it's not something I ever put any focus on. Unless it's canon. Damn do I love me some canon couples.

8. How has the character's romantic life affected his character development?
Not much, if at all. Guy's love for Tora is pretty important, but I think, honestly, that's more just bringing something that was already there to the surface than really something that developed.

9. Do you set 'ships' or plan for your characters to be together with other characters, or do you allow their relationships to develop organically? Why?
Generally speaking, if I am going to play out a relationship, it will have to have organically developed by default. That said, canon OTPs, dear god, yes, that ship will be set. If the planets mystically align and somebody apps Tora at Mayfield, Guy and I will be all over that like white on rice you do not even know.

10. Do you change the gender identities / preferred sexualities of canon characters? Why / why not?
Uh, no, I think I generally like to keep my characters pretty close to canon. I guess I might be willing to fudge some things a little if I had to, but eh, doesn't seem like it would come up a lot with me.


But let's go ahead and double up on memes anyway.

TRUTH MEME. Ask me any question and I will answer it as truthfully as I can.

grif, simmons, meme, guy, wash, booster, pups, redcloak, tsubaki

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