I know I said I was all meme'd out, but, well, I say a lot of things.
Also I really should be out shopping for food instead of posting memes whoops I should go do that now.
Funny Quotation In-Series
semper_fi_bitch- Grif's response the second time Simmons asks the "You ever wonder why we're here?" question: "No. I never, ever wonder why we're here. Semper Fi, bitch."
blarghmeansno- "Wait, I think blargh means yes. Hey, alien, does blargh mean yes?" "Blargh." "Holy shit, blargh means yes! He just said 'yes, blargh means yes'! I speak alien!" "Yeah, unless blargh means no, in which case he just said 'no, blargh does not mean yes.'" "What, no way. Hey, alien, am I right?" "Blargh." "Haha, see? The fuck do you know." It's. It's really pretty indicative of Tex's and Church's relationship, really.
Emo Quotation In-Series
Other Quotation In-Series
memoryisthekey- Man, I'm not even going to clarify this one. If you've seen Reconstruction, you know already, and if you haven't, you probably don't care.
untilitisnomore- The last line of the Reconstruction trailer: "I would like to remind the Sub-committee members, that anything is possible. Some things are probable. This is what is. And my agency, as it always has, will continue to deal with what is... until it is no more." Also dear_chairman was taken already.
Meme Related to Character
one_punched- "ONE PUNCH! ONE PUNCH!" OK, no, seriously, once upon a time back in the 80's when Guy was still brain-damaged, he picked a fight with Batman. So Batman one-hit-KO'd him, right in the face, much to the amusement of the rest of the team. It's one of the more memorable and frequently referenced scenes from the series, coming up as recently as Booster Gold #2 and apparently his appearance on the Brave and the Bold cartoon.
Meme Related to Series
Unrelated Meme
I'm going ahead and assuming noun phrases are acceptable.
a_scented_blade- Tsubaki has a scent and is a weapon. Fairly self-explanatory.
amaranthdye- It's a food dye, much better known as Red No. 2. Also, thought to be carcinogenic. This possibly/probably says something about how I characterize Simmons.
debootante- Debutante, but Boo'd. Ethan is much wittier than I.
draconicpenguin- She's a Prinny, man, what more do you want from me?
shooting_gstar- Shooting star, Goldstar. Yeah. It's not that good.
Related to Character's Name
sycophanticdick- His name sure is Dick.
future_is_gold- His name sure is Booster Gold.
randomly_ironic- His name sure is Random.
ajoulepersecond- A Watt is a Joule per Second. Hurr. Hurr.
persistentdavid- His name sure is David. Also, made to match
sycophanticdick, since at
dear_multiverse they were from the same universe/timeline.
shooting_gstar- The gstar is short for Goldstar.
Related to Character Type
Related to Character's Weapon or Attack
a_scented_blade- In that Tsubaki is a Weapon.
draconicpenguin- Turning into a dragon counts as a weapon/attack, right? Alternatively, as a Prinny, she basically can be used as a weapon/attack. :V
Related to Character's Job
semper_fi_bitch- Nevermind that he's not a Marine....
Related to Character's Catchphrase
memoryisthekey- It's not actually a catchphrase, but it gets repeated so much it might as well be.
dammit_fonzie- If The Shark had a catchphrase, perhaps that would be it. 8|
Pun/Wordplay - Altered Single Word
sycophanticdick- None of it's altered, but dick does have two uses here. Dick's a dick.
randomly_ironic- Random's his name and although there are no puns on it in the game (because it's not translated as Random, it's transliterated. Other translations have it as Randam sometimes, but the one I saw an LP of was Random, so.), I couldn't resist it in his username. As for what's so randomly ironic about him? Well. It's a Hideo Kojima game, guys. Y'know something has to turn into a random mindfuck, but I'm not going to ruin it for you.
amaranthdye- It's Red No. 2. What more do you want from me? 8|
debootante- Again, if only I could've been witty enough to come up with this on my own.
draconicpenguin- Another double meaning instead of altered word: draconic as in like a dragon and draconic as in like Draco's laws.
Pun/Wordplay - Altered Common Phrase
future_is_gold- I'm not entirely sure where I came up with the username, but as a play on "the future is now" is a possibility.
Other - Descriptive about Character in Canon
one_punched- He sure got one-punched.
sycophanticdick- He's a sycophantic dick. It's really that simple.
crimsonmantled- He sure does wear a red cloak.
persistentdavid- He sure is persistent.
Other - Descriptive about Character in Fandom
Other - Didn't even fit any of these
How many of these:
Match a Canonmate's Journal (counts if the canonmate dropped or renamed)
sycophanticdick and
persistentdavid count, I guess, even if I did play both of them.
Were Left Open for Prospective Canonmates to Match
blarghmeansno- Practically begging for a blarghmeansyes Church.
sycophanticdick- As previously demonstrated, very easily matchable. Not that I expect him to get canonmates, like, ever, but.
(Odd how I don't really have more of these; I love matching usernames.)
Were Renamed (and what were their old names?)
Were Carried Over Between Games