Gacked from everyone. I think the original question was a "fandom friday five", something along the lines of What are your five favorite relationships in fandom?
I'm using "ship" in the multi-purpose way, to mean interaction on any level, not just romantic/sex. And after some thought, I decided to pick the ones I thought were most *interesting*, not necessarily the ones I cheered for the most. List is in no order.
1) (Lord of the Rings) Legolas and Gimli. To include nearly all variations there of - &, /, one without the other but thinking about the other, etc. Runner up: Aragorn and Gandalf, *not* including the /.
2) (Firefly) Zoe and Mal. Not including the Z/M subset, excepting only if it's set pre Wash. Because I think that would be OOC. (Good writers can convince me of nearly anything, though.) Runner up: Simon and River, including the S/R CSI, because that interaction is like a car crash - impossible not to watch.
3) (Farscape) Aeryn and Crais. I am more satisfied by Aeryn/John, tuw luv, happy ending, yaddi yaddi, but it's not as *interesting*. Baggage, baggage, baggage. Runner up: tie between John&Scorpy and Rygel&Pip.
4) (Vorkosagan) Cordelia and Bothari. Because relationships where a guy rescues a gal from a madman and devotes his life to her - and she accepts his devotion! - are always sweet. Except when they're this one. Runner up: Ivan and Miles. Because of the laughs.
5) (Batverse) Batman and Cassandra. Because he finally seems to have a student who's worthy of the mantle, and I'm interested in how he's going to handle that, in a few years. This could easily end up as f'ed up and wrong as the Simon/River business. Only with a higher body count. Runner up: Tim and Barbara. Because they both fake "we're the sensible and sane one in this family" so well. (YMMV on the Bat character concepts. I'm working on melding current canon with that of nearly five and twelve years back, so my take might not match anyone else's.)
Fandoms I did not mention: TXF, Riddick, Buffyverse, X-Men, or any of the shows I started watching this season. Hmmmm. Some other time, when I'm not doing this because I couldn't sleep, I need to run through all the fandoms. Or maybe not.