Question for people who watch/read genre (Science Fiction/Fantasy) *and* non-genre.
Is Joan genre? Was Touched by An Angel? Is Lost? Was Ally McBeal?
I'd say that none of those fits in my box for genre.
searose holds that maybe I'm drawing my lines a little too narrow. *g* But she's a Superman comic fan, what does *she* know? *g*
coffee_and_ink has been posting a bit on these things, and so might have many people over on the pro-fic side of lj. For me, I don't want to get into the old "oh, poor little ghettoized genre, can't get no respect", as much as I want to figure out for me, what it is about some methods of story telling that ring as "my kind" while others do not.
I have a whole post bubbling about this one. Clinics will be over in December of 2005, I might be able to get to it then.
Speaking of comics fans -
musesfool, I got the first Lucifer graphic novel. And read it all today. Woman, why didn't you pimp this at me harder? This was *great*.