Fandom: Year in Fandom 2004

Jan 01, 2005 12:11

Stories written: - Eight, not counting any "start with a line" drabbles. Which I'm taking as "stories posted", and you can find the list here.

Not a lot, less than last year, but okay. Last year I did a lot, I think.

Fandoms: Farscape, Firefly, Lord of the Rings

My favorite: Walls of the Air - because it was a monster, because I still think it came out well, even though it was rushed, because even though it's not terribly graceful or subtle, it still is the sort of story I want to tell - an AU with adventure and mysteries and secret loves and no "happy ever after".

My best: Probably King of Infinite Space. Considering that's the one that took me the longest, I'm pretty happy with that.

Story most unappreciated: Not sure how to rate this. I liked all the appreciation I got for all my stories. Art of Peace and Great River both didn't get a lot of attention, but I think that's pretty fair.

Most fun: My Harvey - which scarcely counts as a fic, but came easy to the pen, so to speak. Not a lot of work, not a lot of angst. *hugs Harvey*

Funniest: The Shirt Affair. Or, that's what everyone said. *g*

Most satisfying: King of Infinite Space - because I think I did what I meant to do - show the froggie in all his faults and glory.

Most disappointing: Tie- Been Too Long - not because of the story eventually produced, but because I haven't yet finished the story I wanted to tell. I kept getting false starts and stops and going off on odd tangents. And eventually wrote this one at far too last minute.

Floating World - which was well received, but now that I look at it again, I'm struck by how I *totally* did not remix the events in the chosen story. When I run out of other things to do, I'm going to write the story I should have written. Same format, I think, just about the proper events.

Sexiest: heh. That would be The Shirt Affair. *g*

Hardest to write: Great River, Grey as Tears was like pulling frelling teeth.

Most unintentionally telling: *sigh* No idea how to rate this, either. Most of my telling tends to be pretty freaking deliberate. Or, if someone thinks otherwise, I haven't heard it yet.

Fannish Plans for 2005: Write more fic, rant less. Read more books than fic. Speak clearly, with passion but with little unheeding anger, on the important things, and let it go when people don't listen. Enjoy fen for what they are, not for what I wish they were. Send more feedback. Squee more, bitch less. Try to stay off line enough to pass all my classes (this time, without chewing my fingernails to the quick.)

There are several projects I'd *really* like to finish, and one I'd like to make more progress on, and I would like to think that either Lost or Battlestar Galactica will inspire me to write. But I'm not *resolving* to do any. (Vic, this is where you poke me again for any of the LoTR stories.)

Dunno what Cons I will go to. Depends on funds, time, and the kindness of strangers. I'm not expecting to do much fannish offline.

Year in Fandom: Well. Wrote and posted slash. Lived through the election(s). (And if you don't think that wasn't fandom-related, you weren't reading the same lj I was posting. Which is possible.) Thought about quitting lj four separate times. Decided against three times - jury's still out on on number 4. Fell for Lost. Got to watch the FS mini. Went to Dragon*con (thank you! Searose!). Met Searose, Florastuart, Hobsonphile, Nestra, and likely a buncha other people. Saw Shrift, Eve11, Kerne again - and likely a buncha other people. *waves*

Looking back at what I wrote, and at what I have in the works, *I* see a shift in my writing and my thought processes, that (above all else) convinces me that I wasn't wasting my time, writing fanfic. I was writing, I was thinking and creating. So. That makes it a good year, I think.

I'm putting this outside the cut because it's important.

Today has been an incredibly lousy start to the new year. [snips details] But I put off posting *that* so I could do this meme. And that got me thinking about not only the fic I've written but the feedback and beta's I've gotten for those stories, and the fic I've read, and the movies and shows and eps I've watched, and the squee-sessions with other fen, and the late-night talks with some of ya'll, and the arguments (still on-going) which only make me respect ya'll's brains as I loathe your stances on various issues, and the (ever so wide) common ground that we share.

The difference between heaven and hell is the company you keep. I know this isn't heaven because no self-respecting deity would have spam in their Paradise. But as far as Purgatories go, this one's not half bad.

meta:fandom, end of year, meta:fanfic

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