I've been lazy about uploading these. Since I appear to be snowed in, there's no time like the present:
Exhausted, at the Dallas Fort Worth Airport, at around 5 am, January 15, 2010.
Breakfast. Egg and cheese, no meat. :)
Getting ready to board
Back home in Pittsburgh
Me and Monkeybaby, walking through the Airport
Toto, I have a funny feeling we're not in California anymore
Kitty love
I love this picture of Bitsy
The Mark Perry-ing continues
Muchi, being adorable
A tomato I grew
A fortune
aaronbenedict got while he was in Boston
Kosher goodies at
Crazy Mocha in Squirrel Hill
A cookie that's as big as my head!
n0thingman, fixing my iTunes
Dan's desk
I love this picture of Me and Tiny.
Mmmm... bagel
Xanadu tickets!!!
Me & The
Turner Dairy cow
Subway platform, Brooklyn
Muchi watching the snow
Shirley Temple!
Thriftique, baby!
... where I found a copy of Star Trek: The Game
Numbered and everything. Sadly, when I checked eBay, they were selling for about half of what I paid for it. Oh well.
And then I bought eggs
Next up -- February!