A Dean-focused h/c comment-fic meme
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lilhellsangel Masterlist:
Azimuth by anon
Dean and Sam, R for language
Pre-series. While hunting on his own, a curse or some sort of supernatural occurrence leaves Dean without his memory. All he knows is that he's got a trunk full of weapons and a box of fake IDs. Left only with his instinct, he drives through the night and finds himself outside an apartment in Palo Alto.
Deep Shadows by anon
Warnings for violence/general Alisatair-ness.
The first time Dean meets Alastair.
simmer by
So Dean needs a haircut every two weeks and sometimes Sam has to do it because Dean gets cranky when his hair grows too long. Dean secretly finds the feeling of Sam doing it , the head-touchingg and buzziness comforting and nice. Sam otoh is amused by how docile Dean gets but he also likes having the opportunity to take care of his bro in such a straightforward manner. If you want to add some HELL ISSUES and Dean not trusting others with sharp objects next to his face I'll sing your praises.
The One Where Dean Loses His Jacket (and Sam Helps Him Find It) by
el-spirito23Gen, season 2
You'll wonder where the yellow went by
wave_obscuraDean gets tortured. Every finger in both hands is meticulously (and creatively) broken, and yet he still manages to somehow escape. Unfortunately, the aftermath means a very long and painful recovery requiring lots of assistance from Sam for some very basic ADL's (activities of daily living). On top of that, there was nerve damage, and the doctors aren't putting out much hope that he will make a full recovery. The boys learn to compensate.
Veteran of the Psychic Wars by
Dean keeps falling asleep literally EVERYWHERE. And he’s sleeping for longer and longer periods of time. Is it supernatural? Physical? Depression? It’s up to you. I just want sleepy!Deannn.
Ghostly Comfort by
tiggeratl1Sam hugging or with his arm around a visibly upset or crying Dean. Because, yes. That should happen.
Untitled by
maaldasGen, G
Since the car's been possessed twice in the show, but has never hurt Dean... The Impala is possessed & hits Dean, who ends up badly injured, so after he recovers & leaves hospital, he's a little freaked out being near his car, so Sam has to reunite his brother with his beloved car again.
Fortune's Son by
salacious_newtSam, de!aged Dean, gen, PG-13, hints of child abuse
I just want to see Dean quietly freak out because Sam is drunk and Sam looks like Dad and Dad wasn't always particularly nice when he was drunk.
Purgatory Cold by
mad_serverOne of the Leviathans catches a cold and sneezes on Dean. Dean ends up with the mutated cold from hell.
Shoulder Ride by
salty_catfishDe-aged!Dean. Being de-aged sucks, but Sam can literally carry this Dean around on his shoulders, and that, at least, is kind of cool. Even Dean secretly thinks so. Gen for this one, please.
Dream On by
ramblin_rosieSPN/Silmarillion, AU
Powers!Dean fic. Sam's powers didn't come from Azazel's blood, they were something he was born with: a natural consequence from being an angelic vessel. The thing is, Sam isn't the only angelic vessel in the family. Something happens to awaken Dean's own gifts and he does not react well. Empathic!Dean, please, with emphasis on Dean having been latent before. :)
Pulling Teeth by
boysinperilDean has a tooth ache and is unwilling to go to a dentist. It gets more painful by the minute, but Dean's stubborn and refuses to see a dentist. How it finally resolves itself is up to the author :)
Invisible Strings by
tarotgalMod note: This fill actually links to
tarotgal's current
super-sneezy SPN Meme, which is ALSO awesome. I'm following both memes and the prompt was at both, so I thought I'd link the fill here tooo.
Spoilers for 7.18. Dean is down-playing a really bad cold. He puts on a pretty good act of being okay when Sam's watching, but when he's alone he's a mess.
Ghost!Bobby sees this of course, and tries to clue Sam in somehow.
Cry Me A River by
tattooeddevilGen - Sam & Dean
Sam/Dean would work best but Gen is good. Sam is understandably surprised and amused when out of nowhere, his macho brother climbs into his lap, hides his face against Sam's shoulder and basically winds himself around Sam and clings. His amusement doesn't last though, when he realizes that Dean is shaking, he's crying and he seems completely non-responsive. Sam panics. Dean doesn't seem able to stop crying and he's not talking. It'd be great if it's set post 7x17, but that's not required.
Break my heart, why don't you? by
tattooeddevilWarnings: AU in the sense that Dean stopped hunting for a while and is gay/bi and shacked up with his boyfriend.
I want Dean to be dumped. AU or canon, familiar or new face - go wild. Though I would like to ask that Dean gets dumped by a guy, and, if possible (though it might not be, considering we all do when it happens to us), not completely villainize the other guy. I just want to see Dean sulk and brood, maybe eat some ice cream and watch bad movies, (strive extra to kill some evil sons-a-bitches if it's canon), and wear his sweatpants for a weak.
When the Lights Go Out by anon
Sam/Dean would work best but Gen is good. Sam is understandably surprised and amused when out of nowhere, his macho brother climbs into his lap, hides his face against Sam's shoulder and basically winds himself around Sam and clings. His amusement doesn't last though, when he realizes that Dean is shaking, he's crying and he seems completely non-responsive. Sam panics. Dean doesn't seem able to stop crying and he's not talking. It'd be great if it's set post 7x17, but that's not required.
Untitled by
boothwasframedDean has a PTSD related panic attack somewhere public. Sam isn't there, but a military veteran who has PTSD recognizes what is happening and helps Dean through it. Then afterwards they vaguely talk about it, with the vet assuming that Dean was in the military as well.
Momma's Boy by
salacious-newtDean, Sam, Alistair, some Alistair/Dean, R; please see fic post for all warnings
Dean puts up a wall for a reason. He really is a big softie. Turns out, Alistar exploited this fact when he was down in hell. "So like your mother you are." Up to you who, gets him to open up about it. Cas, Bobby, or Sam. I'm not picky who.
Little Moments by
hammerstringsSam/Dean, PG
If he’s got a minor illness or injury Dean is kind of whiny/milks it, but when he’s REALLY sick and feels miserable and disgusting he just wants to curl up in a ball and be left alone and is ridiculously embarrassed by his sneezing and coughing and trembling legs and weak, crackly voice. Sam takes care of him whether he likes it or not. Sam/Dean for this one, maybe? But gen is good too.
arms of dazzling gold by
jaimeykayDean/Lisa, Sam, PG-13
Permanently-injured Dean's first Passover or Easter with the Braeden clan. And Sam is there, too, because this is a happy AU.
Like a Bell Through the Night by
roque-clasiqueAfter some kind of traumatic incident Dean develops severe stutter. It's not something his pride can take so he chooses to stop talking altogether. Sam is torn - he desperately wants to prevent Dean from becoming mute but doesn't want to hurt him further by forcing him to do something, which causes him so much distress.
Sweet Baby Dean by
darth_fireflyBobby calls Sam while he's at Stanford... Dean is now 4 (and not talking) and its permanent. Bobby can't get ahold of John and CPS has dean.... Sam and Jess decide to raise him.... Fast forward six months to a year ... And John shows up to take back his son and retrain him.
Place of Safety by
spitsparksGen, please. Dean gets hurt on a hunt and Sam drives him to the closest place offering safety - the roadhouse. But people are dying, and seeing that his brother is in good hands and going to be okay, Sam goes back to finish the job. When Dean wakes up he's weak, confused but worried and wants to immediately join Sam. Fortunately, nothing works better on an unruly Winchester than Ellen.
Take me to a better place by
tiggeratl1Dean + arm sling
Untitled by
Dean is suuuuper kitteny weak from some kind of scary surgery he's had recently, and very soon after Sam brings him home he catches a cold and every time he sneezes it nearly knocks him over completely (oh, yeah, he also refuses to stay in bed). Of course, Sam is a crazy hovering grabby-handed fool. But Dean loves him anyway.
Untitled by
Set S1. Sometime after Faith. Dean has an electric shock and is unconscious for a couple of minutes. Afterwards, Sam's understandably worried and starts following him everywhere in case Dean has a delayed reaction and suddenly drops dead. He also keeps checking his pulse in case he starts having heart problems. This annoys Dean, especially when Sam keeps checking his pulse in the middle of the night and when he's driving.
Different by
divendflyRemember Dean's conversation with Demon!Dean in Dream a Little Dream? "What are the things that you want? What are the things that you dream? I mean, your car? That's Dad's. Your favorite leather jacket? Dad's. Your music? Dad's. Do you even have an original thought?" What if Dean actually thinks about this and takes it to heart? He starts trying to be his own person. Maybe that's why the leather jacket disappeared. Maybe Sam catches Dean listening to his iPod. Maybe he changes from his military buzzcut hair that John used to insist on. Etc. I'd love it if Dean brought all this up to Sam and asked his opinion and Sam helped his brother see what a good person he is, that he's not just 'daddy's blunt little instrument'.
Untitled by anon
Dean's living with Lisa and Lisa notices that his body's pretty battered for a 32 year-old -- his joints crack when he stands, he limps when he's tired, and though he doesn't complain she can see that his back bothers him more often than not. Plus he drinks too much and has these nightmares and just seems so stressed-out generally. So Lisa convinces him to start a verrrryyy gentle yoga routine -- just him and her, on their mats in the den, her walking him slowly through the stretches, adjusting his posture with careful hands on his hips and reminding him to breathe.
That Old Feeling by
i_speak_tongueSam & Dean, Stanford AU, PG13
Dean shows up at Stanford during spring break, when Sam's pretty much the only one in his dorms because he's too broke to go anywhere. Dean's sporting a sling that keeps his right arm close to his body, and it doesn't take long for Sam to figure out that the injury is permanent and Dean is basically a lefty now. Or, if you're not squeamish, you could just chop off his arm. *chop* Like that. Cue a month or so of lazing around in Sam's dorm room eating pizza and watching movies and trying to re-train Dean's left hand so he can write and stuff. He's pretty clumsy at first and gets really frustrated, but Sam comes up with all sorts of dexterity-related exercises, like decorating easter eggs, and playing darts with a photo of Bambi or something.
Except a Memory of the Smell of Smoke by
ratherastorySam, de-aged!Dean, Lisa, minor OCs
Wee!Dean wants to be a fire fighter when he grows up. But when one comes to school to teach fire safety, he has a PTSD panic attack and needs to be comforted.
It Sucks, To Be On The Losing Side of The Memory Game by
astarloaTerminal illness, implied character death
Dean with alzheimers. Preferably Gen. A curtain!fic would be nice but not necessary. Oh, and from Sam's POV, and how Dean can forget everything, but not Sam. Never Sam.
Nothing Else Like It by
sw0rdyDean and Sam, gen, PG-13, mention of suicide
Dean is persuaded to take therapeutic horseriding lessons (and he only agrees because it doesn't involve talking about his feelings, at least). And while it's oddly unsettling, he also finds himself enjoying the lessons, learning to trust himself, to be gentle, to take care of an animal that is so receptive to his body language and emotional state.
Dean and the Small Matter of Balance by
Dean faints at the sight of blood. Sam’s like, What the fuck just happened? Provide reasons, or don’t. Either way, Sam is one part amused, two parts tender. Dean is mostly just indignant. And lightheaded. (And pretty.)
Waking up in the future by
shi_moS7. Dean gets amnesia. Basically losing every memory of the past 6 seasons. So he remembers himself as a basically together guy, fairly upbeat most of the time, etc. But he's in the body of a depressed alcoholic...and doesn't know it. He has all these cravings and symptoms, and he just can't seem to manage the positive attitude he's used to maintaining. It's weird and confusing and scary. Meanwhile Sam is trying to decide how to handle the situation. He wants to do the right thing--as soon as he figures out what it is.
Nowhere To Be Found by
purple_carpetsDean, Sam - PG
Remember Dean's conversation with Demon!Dean in Dream a Little Dream? "What are the things that you want? What are the things that you dream? I mean, your car? That's Dad's. Your favorite leather jacket? Dad's. Your music? Dad's. Do you even have an original thought?" What if Dean actually thinks about this and takes it to heart? He starts trying to be his own person. Maybe that's why the leather jacket disappeared. Maybe Sam catches Dean listening to his iPod. Maybe he changes from his military buzzcut hair that John used to insist on. Etc. I'd love it if Dean brought all this up to Sam and asked his opinion and Sam helped his brother see what a good person he is, that he's not just 'daddy's blunt little instrument'.
Flying Fish by
Sam and Dean find the perfect opportunity to wipe out Dick Roman. The only problem is that it's very far away and they need to be there faster than they can drive. They have to take a plane. Dean hasn't had a drink yet that day but is planning on getting super drunk on the plane so he won't be anxious and panicky the whole plane, but he forgot about the restrictions on bringing liquid on a plane. He has to dump it all out, and there's a lot of it. It's really embarrassing. And then he has to go on the plane sober and deal with his phobia as well as beginning withdrawal symptoms.
Breathe! by
annartismLisa teaches Dean Yoga.
In Which Dean is an Easter Bunny by
mad_serverDean is turned into an Easter bunny.
Can't Find My Way Home by
judith_88_gDean, Sam, gen, PG-13
S1, Pre "alcohol is like popping vitamins"!Dean is a goofy, happy drunk. Too bad he managed to fall over and hit his head. Sam would really like to stop all the bleeding, but it's hard when your patient is constantly trying to snuggle and tell you how glad he is you're back.
He's Fine by
divendflyThe first time Dean fails to save someone. He does everything he can, but the person dies anyway. He pretends he's fine.
Bad girls go everywhere by
marlowe78Dean, Sam, John, PG, Warnings: Language, bad situations, unwanted sexual contact and non-con-kissing.
Dean was a whole lot prettier than he had any need to be as a teenager and he also seems to be the one that John used as bait. So when a monster seems to be preying on young girls around the town that they're staying at, Dean's the one elected to go undercover, no matter how horrified he is about having to wear a skirt and make up. He's outraged that he's pretty enough that a change in clothing and some lip gloss is enough to make him look like a sweet young girl, but that won't stop him from kicking ass when the thing finally attacks. Whether Dean takes the thing down on his own or not, whether it turns out that the attacker really is a monster or a depraved human, I don't have a preference. I just want pretty!teenage!Dean in a dress being used as bait. John having to come to the rescue at some point (maybe some of the local boys start hitting on Dean and won't leave him alone? Dean would punch them in the face, but it would break his cover) would be the icing on the cake. :D
Mmmmm Bop! by anon
Dean is a sick, sneezy mess. Sam thinks his pink little nose is the cutest thing EVER.
Short essay on how much Dean Winchester's life does not suck by
nemrodHUG-OR-DIE. Oh, that's not how the trope goes? Oh well. All the hugs!
Your Planet Is Weird by
ramblin_rosieSPN/SGA, AU
Dean's in the hospital with an injury, not life threatening but leaving is not an option. Enter the roommate from hell.
Tripwire by
ramblin_rosieYou know that switch in the psychic kids' brains that Ava was talking about? Well old Yellow Eyes is tired of waiting for Sam to flip his, so he decides to give Sam a little nudge. Sometime late in season 2 -- Azazel pins Sam to the wall and makes him watch while he toys with his older brother. Sam's forced to watch while the demon throws Dean down the stairs, breaks his legs, arms, and generally tosses him around like a rag doll with those demon Jedi mind tricks. Sometimes he'll let Dean try to crawl away, but then he'll just yank him back again with that invisible force and start breaking things (or aggravating things that have already been broken), leaving Dean screaming and cursing and crying. For the finale, Azazel starts to drag Dean up the wall for the favoured stomach slashing ceiling inferno, and Sam snaps! Azazel maybe should have been careful what he wished for.
Journey to the Underworld by
honeylocusttreeDean, Sam;gen; PG; Warning-language
In hell Dean spent a lot of time retreating into his mind as much as he could/separating himself from physical pain and damaging words/Alistair’s mind games. In season seven or beyond when he finally reaches his limit, he retreats back inside himself again, presenting as non-responsive/catatonic. Sam knew his brother was in trouble, but he never expected this.
It’s Time by
rainylemonsgen, sleepy Dean, curtain fic
Things are better. Things are so much better. They defeated the Leviathans. They didn't die. Sam is sane. They're retiring. So if things are better, if Dean's finally getting some time when the world not lobbing new grenades at him every day, why is it that NOW he can't seem to go on? Basically, that thing where it's just when the worst seems to be over that you tend to crash, hard. Physically, psychologically, both; how is up to the author.
Takotsubo by
el_spirito23Dean/Lisa, PG-13, vague reference to self-harm
Lisa teaches Dean Yoga.
Precious by
thruterryseyesDean/Sam, shower sharing
ART PROMPT! (Although I would def take fic tooo.) SHOWER-SHARING! Sam having to hold Dean up in the shower because he is dirtyyyy from a hunt, but also hurt/sick. Idk. Just, something like that. I was thinking Sam/Dean, but gen is also delicious.
Not By Your Hand by
nong_praduGen, Adult; permanent disability (blindness), seizures
Sam and Dean are having a huge fight. Words are said, Sam gets really mad and wants to shove his brother but suddenly his powers sparkle up ( telekinesis or maybe unnatural strength, like Jake's). The consequences are tragic. Dean sustains life-changing injury, something huge and permanent. Sam has to deal with his guilt, Dean with his injury and John with them both.
In manus tuas, Domine, commendo spiritum meum by anon
Dean, gen, PG-13 (? -- slight language)
Dean has to do a speech at school. Everyone's looking at him and it's HORRIBLE.
snuggling with dogs by
jensensdreamGen. Sam walks into the motel room and is surprised to find Dean fast asleep, and cuddling with a rather large dog on the bed with him. How it got to this point, you decide.
Oasis by
alekhirhsTakes place somewhere between 6x21 and 6x22
Sam is looking for clean socks and goes into Dean's duffel bag without asking. He finds a small metal box, and curiosity gets the better of him and he opens it. What Sam finds in the box is up to the author. Dean catches Sam and is furious that Sam invaded his privacy.
It’s just Dean by
lidoshkaDean, Sam, gen
I really like the idea of Dean having some relatively mild mood disorder that's gone untreated for years because a) Dean is Fine, thank you very much, he doesn't need help, b) John refuses to recognize it for what it is, c) Sam spends so much time with Dean that he actually can't see it (it's just normal), and d) Dean does not know anyone else well enough for them to bring it up.
In blood by
petite_madameDean with blood on his face.
You never know by
boothwasframedDean always gives money to streets kids and Sam makes the comment that he shouldn't give away his hard earned money to kids who will blow it on booze and drugs. Dean points out that some of those kids might spend the money on food if younger siblings at home. Sam gets hit by the angstclue bus and realizes that Dean used to be one of those street kids.
like a cherry on the end of a cigarette by
classiczeppelinObligatory season seven drinking prompt. Maybe he goes through withdrawal (there's never enough of those) or maybe there's finally some medical repercussions?
Keep Away from Children Under 3 by anon
Dean is sick and bored and siiiiick, and he somehow ends up with a bunch of lego, and spikes a fever and builds something super-complex, and then when he's better he and Sam look at it and marvel and are maybe slightly scared because it's a work of EXTREME LEGO GENIUS.
Six feet under by
saltedshotgunDean and Lucifer, gen, PG-13
After a couple of years on the rack Dean escapes, because he is just that awesome. So doesn't mean he isn't broken or that he is out of Hell. if only. So he wanders for a while and finds the Cage. Which "outskirts" are a good place to hide because God (or Michael) hid it from demons (because seriously why else would Alistair need to climb top-side and sacrifice dozen of nuns just to chit-chat with the boss). So Dean hides in the shadow of Lucifer's cage. He is able to talk with him (Michael vessel, duh!). Dean breaks the 1st seal (shedding the blood in hell + having a mental break-down) when Aistair and Co somehow finally find him.
Winds out of the Southwest by anon
Early S4. Dean's just been pulled out of Hell and he's really, really, really not okay. He hides it from Sam, pretending to be okey dokey, but honestly he feels like he's one second away from a breakdown. Sam, too wrapped up in the whole Ruby thing, slipping out on Dean at night, doesn't really notice just how fragile and stretched-thin and vulnerable his brother's psyche is. Not right away at least.
Dean's struggling and it's so hard and so tiring to stay "on" all the time - to appear as normal as possible, to be who he used to be - all smartass and cracking jokes and flirting . But it's so so so hard to force himself to the simplest things in front of Sam - like eating a hamburger without throwing up (his hands used to look like that...) or walking by dogs without freaking out (he can still hear/see/feel the hellhounds in his sleep...). It doesn't help that he wakes up from vivid nightmares of the things he did and who he became in Hell (as well as Alastair and his straightedge slicing and carving him...) or that he has flashbacks at random times - while driving, during interviews, etc... He's lucky that they're mild and are nothing more than flickers that make him twitch. Also? He can see Alastair twirling that Sweeney-Todd knife of his and he's most definitely ignoring it. All in all, he thinks he's doing a pretty damn awesome job.
Except one night it goes to shit.
The Good Fight by
honeylocusttreeSam, Dean; Gen; PG13; Language, disturbing imagery
When Sam and Dean decide to settle down for good, Sam is able to get a pretty good job and hold it down and it gives him some stability, but Dean is unable to keep any of his jobs. He'll be unemployed and have nothing to do while Sam's at work, he just sits around feeling useless and driving around or drinking. Whenever he can finally land a job he's fired in a couple weeks. It's because of all his PTSD issues and alcoholism, he has trouble focusing and talking to people. Maybe has panic attacks at work and tries to hide them because he won't acknowledge that he's not okay. He's like, what's wrong with me??? Why can't I adjust like Sam can??? They realize he really needs to focus on getting better.
Cold And Pie by
nightangel_lunaDean is sick, he's a little kid and all he wants is just to be left to watch his cartoons and stuff. He can't be near Sammy because he might give him his cold, but his Mom is awesome and makes sure he gets loads of cuddles and pie. Mary looking after her boys.
Popcorn by anon
gen, Dean and Cas
Dean is hurt somehow. Cas is there for Dean in his quietly compassionate way (like at the end of On The Head Of A Pin.) I'd really like to see Cas' POV and maybe thoughts that show just how much he loves (in a non-sexual way) the Righteous Man. Season 4, maybe? Before Team Free Will, anyhow.
Wisdom doesn't come with the teeth by
marlowe78Dean has a tooth ache and is unwilling to go to a dentist. It gets more painful by the minute, but Dean's stubborn and refuses to see a dentist. How it finally resolves itself is up to the author :)
Relapse by
tattooeddevilGen, PG
Future fic, gen: it's five or so years into the future and the boys have given up the life. They have a little place in the middle of the nowhere of your choice. Dean's been on the wagon and off the booze for a few years now, but something happens - a bad day, some bad news, a chance encounter that brings hell front and center again. He doesn't set out to get booze and get wasted. He doesn't go consciously to buy liquor. But he does and though he has that moment of 'what the hell are you doing, man?' it doesn't stop him from taking a drink. Cue Sam who's angry, distressed, but mostly awesome because he's not a dumb boy and figured this might happen, as it usually does with alcoholics. He helps Dean through the hangover(s), helps him sweat it out, talks him down from the guilt, self loathing, etc and helps find the courage and the grace to dry out again. (Because, yeah, Sam knows addiction, too.)
The Joy of Eating by
katiki7Sam and Dean, gen, PG-13, a bit of swearing, no spoilers past Home
Just why does Dean love to constantly be eating? And what's with the food orgasm noises he makes while eating? Can anyone seriously love to eat that much? Sam brings this up to Dean and Dean shuts down about it, embarrassed. What Sam doesn't know is that Dean went without food a lot growing up because John was gone and there wasn't enough more, so of course Dean put Sam's need for food ahead of his own. Sam had no clue because he was too young to notice. Maybe he comes across those old photos they got in Home and sees that Dean was pretty scrawny for a kid. H/C and schmoop ensues as (of course) Sam makes sure that they talk about this.
The Safest Place by anon
Post-5.22, semi-AU. Sam took his Swan dive; Bobby didn't make it. Dean keeps his promise and goes back to Lisa's. Predictably, things start falling apart once he's out of harm's way. Possible triggers for mental illness.
"Is there no way out of the mind?"
- Sylvia Plath
Gray by
bittermunchkinlight Dean/OMC
Dean/OMC. Anything with Dean in the hospital being pampered by and crushing on a male nurse. ♥
Header by
prufrock_26PG-13, Sam and Dean, Gen
Dean joins in with a group of kids for a kick about soccer game during some down time in a small town. With Sam enjoying watching his older brother finally having some fun, Dean's frivolity suddenly comes to an abrupt end when he's smashed full in the face from close range with the ball by one of the bigger kids!
street's like a jungle by
mad_serverGender dysphoria. A curse turns Dean's body female. At first he thinks it's pretty awesome and he intends to take full advantage, what with going lingerie shopping and having ~lesbian sex and the like. Eventually some form of body horror catches up with him, though.
Big Wheels Keep On Turning by
mad_serverDuring the Impala-less time, (preferably set sometime post 7x17) their car breaks down and they have to be a few states over ASAP. Cue a VERY LONG bus-trip during which a run-down Dean is coming down with something and also keeps trying to sneak sips of alcohol when no one’s looking. He gets steadily worse and more feverish and Sam gets steadily more worried along the way, making him wear extra layers and trying to feel his forehead and protecting him from the curious eyes of their fellow passengers and generally worrying about his headspace.
Upstairs and Downstairs by
prufrock-26PG-13, Gen, John and Dean
Hospital!Dean (image prompt can be found
Untitled by
jaimeykayDean has shaky hands. (Trauma, too much or too little alcohol, certain medications, injury, it doesn't matter why.) Anyway, Sam helps him drink/eat and possibly buys him a sippy-cup, the latter of which could be either hilarious or angsty. Fic or art would work for this one, I think. Sam feeding Dean! *_*
A Helmet on the Head is Worth Two in the Bag by
dreamlitnightDean’s suffered a relapse of ghost sickness. There’s no way he’s going to help Sam track down the town’s local monster because, dude, do you know how dangerous that is? Not without a helmet, anyway (and quite possibly knee and elbow protectors).
Baptism by
thruterryseyesArt prompt. Sam cutting or washing Dean's hair. Uh, and also Dean is hurt? Or something?
Under the Sun by
bittermunchkinDean gets
sun poisoning all over his cheeks. He doesn't like putting on aloe though because it's cold and un-badass, so Sam does it sneakily while Dean is sleeping.
Keep Yourself Warm by
break_kitkatGen; Warning: self-harm
4 times Sam saw self-injury scars on Dean, 1 time he asked about them.
You Needed This by
blade_kunSam, Dean, gen, no warnings
I'd just like the Sam and Dean version of
this gif.
Untitled by anon
Dean gets severe frostbite on his feet during a hunt. They're severe enough that Sam immediately takes Dean to the hospital and he is admitted. Cue in morphine shots and extremely painful treatments where his feet are slowly rewarmed and thawed out, during which Dean whimpers, cries, and maybe screams despite his best efforts. You can save all ten piggies if you'd like.
Subterranean Homesick Blues by
break_kitkatGen; brief mention of Dean/OFC; Warnings: Drug addiction, drug use, drug withdrawal, flashbacks, panic attacks, PTSD, self-harm.
Unknown to Sam, Dean has been reliant on anti-anxiety medication since he got back from Hell. Since it's Dean, reliant means he's been pretty much taking pills every couple of hours to keep himself calm and functional, for a long time now. When he can't get away from Sam long enough to get to a pharmacy, he takes some of the stockpile of tranquillisers or painkillers they keep in their medical kit. When those are out, he drinks til he passes out, which has led to the drinking s7 style. If he isn't taking his meds/drinking/etc he gets really bad panic attacks and flashbacks. Sam is unaware of any of this, or so his brother thinks. One day he wakes up to find that Sam has thrown out all his pills, painkillers, tranqs and booze: he's decided it's time for his brother to sober up. Dean tries to warn him how bad things will get, but Sam still isn't prepared for what happens.
Limerick Story by
lilithrainDean is paralyzed from the waist down in an accident, either permanent or temporary. I'd like to read about Dean's reaction to the first time he sees the wheelchair and the situation becomes very real. I'd also like to read his thoughts about the first time he sits in it.
Contagion by
So, Dean ends up with a Supernatural version of Hypochondria, in which, upon hearing about or seeing an illness or injury on someone else Dean suddenly ends up with the same symptoms. The kid in the checkout line behind them is all sniffly and then Dean ends up with a cold; the guy in the booth next to him ends up with food poisoning & so does Dean. It starts off simple, but then things start to escalate - They pass a deaf woman on the street which leads to Dean losing his hearing; interviewing paralyzed college student puts Dean in a wheelchair... needless to say they're both freaking out & Sam finally orders Dean on lockdown until he can reverse the symptoms.
Untitled by
verucasalt123Deaged!Dean: It was only a little cold - a few sniffles, a cough here and there, and Sam isn't too concerned, but by the end of the week Dean is hacking and wheezing. Sam is awesome and takes care of him and there is hugging but secretly he is freaking out and calls Cas for help. Bonus points for little!sick!Dean and Cas cuddling.
Layover by
mad_serverSam/Dean, PG-13; spoilers for 7x22.
Dean falls asleep on Sam's shoulder. ♥ Because he is sick/hurt/sleeeepyyy/whatever.
Let It Fall Like Rain by anon
Sam and Dean, Gen/Angst/HurtComfort, Rating: T (to be safe)
Sam is understandably surprised and amused when out of nowhere, his macho brother climbs into his lap, hides his face against Sam's shoulder and basically winds himself around Sam and clings. His amusement doesn't last though, when he realizes that Dean is shaking, he's crying and he seems completely non-responsive. Sam panics. Dean doesn't seem able to stop crying and he's not talking.
Sacredness of Tears by
queerly_it_isSam/Dean, light R.
Dean temporarily loses the ability to control his emotions, which is kind of a big deal for him! I don’t care what the cause is - some examples could be a concussion or mild traumatic brain injury, a curse/other supernatural cause, (physical de-aging? /o\) or a fever. I just want some uncharacteristically emotional Dean, and comfort. <3
Five Times Dean Got Stoned Without Meaning To (And Four Times John Dealt With It) by
ramblin_rosieWarning for discussions of bullying and abuse.
Dean comes across some Hash Brownies.
Eight is Enough by
disneymagicsGen, Sam, Dean, Warning for Arachnophobia
Dean taken by shapshifter or somthing else that needs him alive to maintain shape ie by takin blood from Dean, i want an exhaustion from bloodloss or restraint (could be tightly tied or small cage etc) would love if he was rescued by Sam but neds carrying out as he's so exhausted n achein, would love a bit of guilt from Sam for not realising sooner!
Voices Soft As Thunder by
nwspaprtaxisPG-13; Dean/Lisa
So post 5x22, Lisa is helping Dean through Sam's death and his accumulated trauma. She's probably only got the bare basics of what he's gone through. Then one night Dean has a flashback to Hell and name drops Alastair. Possibly he mistakes her for him. I wanna see Lisa dealing with that.
Untitled by
saltedshotgunDean, Sam, gen, 7,000 words, PG-13
The Leviathans are killed / put back where they belong and the world is saved once again. The only thing? Dean was badly wounded in the last battle. The battle left him badly scarred - especially on one side, including face, neck, torso, arm, hand, the extent can be your choice - and blind in that eye. Of course, hunting is out of the question so they settle down (or as much as they'll ever will - such as just traveling the country and seeing the biggest ball of twine). But Dean is extremely self-conscious about how he looks (ever since that kid began screaming when she saw him in the diner...) and wears Sam's old hoodie - the same one he stole when he fried his heart that one time with the rawhead a million years ago - and always keeps the hood pulled up.
Finally, Sam can't take it anymore and decides Dean needs something that wouldn't care how the hell he looks. So he gets Dean a puppy from a local shelter. And Dean is beyond touched - he doesn't say anything to Sam (maybe it hurts because the scarring pulls at his mouth) and he can't stop cradling and petting it. And maybe said puppy gives Dean lots of kisses (and pees from excitement all over his jeans).
A truly terrible year by
marieincolourG, gen
After having four colds in as many months, Dean ends up in the hospital with a bad flu and/or pneumonia. Bonus angstyness, if you can make it fit: As if this isn’t bad enough, a doctor there suggests Dean should be on medication for depression.
At Sunset by
rbmi_fanDean/Lisa, PG-13-ish?
Although sex has always been an escape for him, season 4 to post-series Dean has little to no interest in sex anymore/zero libido. It turns out it’s due to depression and/or a reaction to trauma, or maybe side-effects from drugs such as antidepressants. His partner (I’m thinking Sam/Dean, or maybe Lisa/Dean set during the missing year?) convinces him they don’t care; they love himmm.
But Something Dear by
sparrow_latelyGen; warnings: Depression, mental illness, mild self-harm, language
Because I’m obsessed with this type of future-fic, but haven’t seen one QUITE like this. In a future, curtain-fic-ish kind of setting, things are good, then Dean begins to gradually manifest paranoid thoughts (seeing hunts where they aren’t any, suspecting people of possession/a feeling of being watched, etc.) It turns out to be a form of psychotic depression.
Masterlist last updated: November 3rd, 2012.