Art: Back Early

Sep 19, 2012 18:00

Title: Back Early
Artist: Thru Terry's Eyes
Pairing: None
Warning: VERY dark,self harm/ suicidal ideation. Angst out the wazoo.
Summary: Believe it or not, this was SUPPOSED to be an answer to the curtain fic prompt aboout Dean wearing bunny slippers and maybe having a bum leg. I can't remember who prompted it. I have no idea what the hell happened, but bunny slipper art this ain't. I went so far left of center,I basically fell down a rabbit hole (no pun). The fics I've seen so far are warm, sweet and kinda cute.

Yeah, well.

Sam is in this piece of art. You can't see him because he got back from a food run a little too quick. He's standing in the doorway looking at Dean. This is a write your own ending piece of art. Interpret it as you will.

Sorry, there are no bunny slippers. If this doesn't meet with the curtain fic criteria, mods please feel free to 
adjust the tags. Click the pic for the whole picture.

suicidal ideation, psychological issues, &art/graphics (digital), [genre: gen], permanent injury, self-harm, [genre» other: dark/horror]

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