Mini Challenge (curtain art/fic week)

Sep 19, 2012 23:35

Artist: I really don't consider myself as an artist but hey, I'm etoile_etiolee
Characters:Sam, Dean and Dean's daughter.
Genre/pairing:Up to you if it's Sam/Dean or not.
Type/medium: Err... Manip? Digital? (first time doing this, obviously)
Description:Dean and his daughter are coming back from a doctor's appointment because they both have been nursing a cold for some time. Sam bought his niece a matchbox car because she didn't cry, and there is some pie for Dean in the grocery bag because he didn't bitch (too much.) Hence the smile. Yes, I have a wild imagination, and a good friend to help me with it. Thanks NwspaprTaxis ;)


[genre: slash], .mini challenge (curtain!fic/art week), [pairing: dean/sam], [setting: post-series/future-fic], &art/graphics (digital), &art/graphics (manip), [genre» other: domestic/curtain!fic], common cold

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